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Felix woke up and Michi poked his cheek while Ryu was patting his head. He shifted around and let his eyes open, looking at the boys who seemed terrified. "What's wrong?" Felix asks as they laid back down to snuggle him. "Hear thing," Michi whispers, and Felix's eyebrows furrow. "Like what?" He asks.

"Heavy footsteps above," Ryu answered, and Felix's eyebrows furrow. "Like metal?" Felix asks and they nod their heads, both of them squeaking when a loud bang was heard. Felix quickly sat up and held the two. "Stay right here, I'll go wake everybody up," Felix whispers and they nod their heads. Felix allowed them to sit on the bed and he grabbed the gun that was always on his end table.

He left the room and he already saw Hyuna and Johnny awake. "Did you guys hear it too?" Felix asks and they nod their heads. "Michi and Ryu said they heard heavy footsteps earlier," Felix said and he saw both of their bodies tense up and slowly look at him. "Then they found us," She said and Felix's eyebrows furrow. "The robots? How did they find us," Felix questions and jumped at the loud bang.

The second bang caused most of the older people, including Jisung, to wake up and see what was going on. "Good thing you guys are up now," Hyuna said. "We need to leave, that door won't hold forever." Everyone was shocked at Hyuna's answer and Jisung spoke up. "We can take them, right? We can't give this place up," He said and Hyuna looked at him. "You and Felix need to take the three boys and go," She said as she ignored Jisung's words. "Why just them? Why not-"

"I knew the robots were going to find us so each day I had Lia and Ryujin take most of the kids to the other side of the city where there is another bunker," Hyuna said and Felix and Jisung looked at each other. "Get dressed and get out of here," She said as she stood up to give the two a quick kiss on the forehead. "But-"

"Just go, don't argue Lix."

Felix looked at Jisung who nodded his head and quickly ran to his room. Felix sighs and nods his head. "Fine," He says and runs to his room, turning on the lights to see Michi and Ryu playing with their stuffed animals. "We're going on a trip," Felix said as he closed the door and walked over to his dresser. He took out all black clothes and quickly slipped them on, grabbing other clothes and stuffing them into the bag he was going to bring. He grabbed Michi and Ryu's blankets and stuffed them into the bag.

He got the two dressed into something different before fixing the wrap around his hand. He put the bag onto his back and picked the two up, surprisingly. He looked over to see Jisung holding Ren who was sleepy and already falling back asleep. "Let's go," Felix said as he looked around and was about to leave but Michi's voice stopped him. "Mommy, your notebook," Michi said and pointed to the small desk that had a notebook on it.

Felix walked over and let Michi grab and hold as they left the area. "Where are we going?" Jisung asks as he follows Felix down the hall. "There's a hatch down here," Felix answered and took a left. "Mommy are we goin' to be safe?" Ryu asks as he rested his chin on Felix's shoulder to look at Jisung and then behind him which was just the hallway. "Of course," Felix said and struggled to open the door and Jisung helped open it. "We're going to take another left and then we're going to have three ways to go," Felix said as Jisung helped the door slowly closed. "Should we separate once we get up there?" Jisung asks as they walk to catch their breaths, Felix adjusting how he was holding the two kids. "I think that's the best," Felix said, "if we're together, we're going to be easy to spot."

Jisung nodded his head in agreement at the statement. "Let's have a meeting place on the other side of town after a few days so we can get to the other bunker," Jisung said and Felix nodded his head. He slowed down as they got to the three-way. "All of these lead to different hatches, the straight one if farther than the right and left," Felix said and looked at Jisung. "Straight, if get farther away then it'll be better," Jisung said and Felix nods his head.

They got to the end of the hallway and Felix jerked his head up the ladder. "The hatch, you go first since you could open it," Felix said and Jisung nodded his head, carefully climbing up the ladder and slowly opening the hatch. "It's dark," Jisung said as he looked at Felix who was carefully watching him. "I could've guessed," Felix said and Jisung fully pushed it open, the hatch hitting something soft as it didn't make a loud bang. "Go," Felix whispers, and Jisung did, climbing out and then helping Felix who had surprisingly climbed out with no hands. Felix placed the two down and closed the hatch; running his fingers through his hair once it was closed. "Hyuna said the other side of the city so that's north," Jisung said as he placed Ren down who was now wide awake. "Yeah, so do you want to go west or east?" Felix asks as he takes out two flashlights from the side packers of his bag, handing one to Jisung who flicked it a couple of times.

"I'll go west," Jisung answers as he watches Felix take something out of his shirt. "What's that?" Jisung asks as he aims his flashlight to look at Felix. "My mom's compass," Felix answered and looked down at the twins who were clung to his legs. "What's our direction now?" Jisung asks. "Currently...southwest," Felix answered and looked at Jisung. "The front of the bunker is south so if we go a few miles in this direction and possibly rest for the night, we can split up early in the morning," Felix said and Jisung nodded his head. "Where should we meet?" Jisung asks and noticed Felix was about to start walking. "Are you not going to pick them up?" Jisung asks as he follows with Ren holding his hand.

Felix looked at Michi and Ryu who were holding onto his pants. "We got it, mommy," Ryu said and a big smile even though it was difficult to see. Felix smiled and looked at Jisung. "They got it," Felix said and Jisung hums, looking at Ren who was very amazed at the outside world. "If it starts getting hard to breathe," Felix said to the twins, "tell me, I have little scarves for you."


"Here, get in here."

Jisung hopped onto the dumpster and took Ren, helping him through the unboarded window that went into a small apartment. He helped Michi and Ryu into the room before climbing through the window, Felix following. He huffs and aims the flashlight to his hand. "You need to change that," Jisung said as Felix puts his bag down. "I know, it's going to be disgusting though," Felix said as he looked at the bed the twins were on with Ren. "I'll do it in the morning, I'm too tired right now."

Jisung looked at Felix who made himself comfortable against the wall. "Are you...not going to be on the mattress?" Jisung asks and Felix nods his head. "I'll be fine right here," Felix said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jisung looked at his best friend for a bit before going to lay on the mattress. "Alright."


I hope you guys are enjoying how this is coming so far. Also, is there a better time to upload these? I'm trying to figure it out, but I also don't know if people are seeing the updates haha. 

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