Chapter 9

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"Put your hand on my waist, Mr. Weasley." Mcgonagall repeated to the already pale Ron. Fred and George whistled loudly before bursting into cackles. "As I said, the house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!" She lectured sternly.

20 (agonising for Ron, entertaining for the rest) minutes later, Mcgonagall told them to pair up and practice. Harry, at a loss, just sat there stupidly while watching his friends get into pairs, subconsciously smiling at some of the pairings. That was when the person who wouldn't stop appearing in his mind came into the room, his bright red uniform immediately catching Mcgonagall's attention.

"Sorry to disturb, Professor. I was told to come here since Slytherin and Hufflepuff had even pairings while there is an odd number of Gryffindors." He explained. "Professor Sprout kindly offered to take the Slytherins for dance lessons, you see, since Professor Snape wasn't comfortable with that."

"No problem at all, Mr. Malfoy." She said with a smile. "Who does not have a partner?" She called out to the rest. Harry looked around, everyone either standing together with someone else or holding hands. Ginny, who stood alone, smiled at Harry, and then walked over to Neville who was extremely appreciative that he himself didn't have to ask.

"Potter, come over. You'll pair with Mr. Malfoy." Mcgonagall instructed. "Alright everyone, get in position." Harry stood frozen for a while, until Draco took his hand and put the other on his shoulder.

Harry supposed he was fumbling around for a little too long, since Draco guided Harry's hand to his own waist, saying something about 'triwizard champions needing to lead the dance for the Yule ball'. The music started playing, and Harry tried to recall the steps that Mcgonagall was teaching, somehow already blurring in his mind. Or rather, what he told himself to do didn't really translate well to his legs, which insisted on knocking against Draco's every few steps or stepping on him accidentally every minute.

"Sorry." He mumbled again for what must've been the 20 dozenth time. Draco shrugged it off with a small smile, trying to patiently guide him.

"Are you very nervous?" Draco asked. Harry, not trusting himself to speak properly, just nodded, with the ever-growing consciousness that his hand was on Draco's waist. "It is because I'm a guy?"

"No!" Harry exclaimed before realising that he had been that loud. "I meant, no." He said softly, nodding apologetically at the other pairs who now stared at them.

"It's okay if it is, you can tell me if it makes you uncomfortable and we can switch partners."

"No, no, really." Harry replied. A second later, he look the time to actually analyse his reply, wondering what Draco was implying by that. "I meant that, it's because I'm bad at this dancing thing, as you can tell. Nothing to do with your gender, or erm, if you're gay or bi, or if I'm gay..."

"You're gay?"

"No!" Harry exclaimed for the second time. "But that there's anything wrong with being gay, or bi, or-..."

"You're cute when you're flustered like that." Draco grinned. And somehow, Harry couldn't come up with any better reply than to blush.


"He said that I was cute." Harry said while staring at the ceiling. "What does that even mean?"

"It means that he finds you cute, that's it. Don't overthink it." Ron mumbled back. After a few hours of struggling with homework, the boys had clearly given up and each bit of their conversation led to another, while Draco was with the Slytherins for Astronomy classes.

"But he said when I'm flustered only."

"He said 'you're cute when you're flustered', not 'you're cute only when you're flustered'." Neville pointed out correctly.

"Right. But what does that mean?"

"Helping you come out with fake dreams to put into your dream journal all week doesn't make us divination experts, mate." Dean said. "Just ask him out already."

"Exactly." Ron chirped.

"You said I should be careful with my feelings the other time." Harry retorted.

"I said that to protect you, in case Draco would think of you as a rebound. But it's pretty clear now that he does actually like you." Ron slapped him on the back, making Harry yelp while sitting slightly straighter. "Everything is working in your favour. So just go for it, mate. You're Harry Potter, you've slayed dragons!"

"I'll much rather take out another dragon right now." He sighed. And, as if on cue, Draco wandered into the dorm, eyes transfixed on some book about alchemy.
He sat on the edge of bed, a mere foot away from Harry, who was now sitting too awkwardly straight for the occasion.

"What were you discussing just now?" Draco asked.

"Oh, just... guy, things." Seamus replied dismissively. "You know, I just remembered that Dean and I forgot to collect something for charms yesterday."

"I'll also be needing to find Hermione." Ron stood up abruptly, following them out.

"Bathroom." Neville excused quickly. Before Harry could even utter a word, he was left alone with Draco, who looked equally lost.

"Is there something on your mind?" Harry asked after a period of silence, Draco seemingly in deep thought.

"Pansy and friends talked me into telling my parents about what happened between Viktor and I." From his robes, he took out a letter, already sealed with his family crest. "I planned out what to write inside, exactly, but..."

"Your parents aren't supportive of you?" Harry guessed.

"They're very loving, kind, extremely supportive. Sometimes, too supportive." Draco said. "I write to them every week, but it's just not the same." Pinching onto the letter tightly between his fingers, Draco was causing the sides to crease. "My parents didn't like my relationship with Viktor. My father, especially, tried to warn me, multiple times... I just don't want to let them down. I'm so... ashamed at myself. For being so stupid."

"Draco, he hurt and took advantage of you. Besides, your parents would be more worried if you didn't tell them." Harry rested a hand on his knee. "It's not your fault."

Slowly, Draco nodded. "Thank you." Then, looking up at Harry, he asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Now's not the right time for it."

"It's alright. Go on."

"I er..." He bit his lip, heart pounding madly while his stomach was in butterflies. "I was just wondering, would you go on a date with me to Hogsmeade during the weekend?"

Harry definitely rushed out the last bit of the sentence, yet Draco caught onto every single one of his words. Smiling, he placed his hand on top of Harry's, squeezing. "I would love to."

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