Chapter 3

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"Have you adequately prepared for the first task yet?" Hermione urged.

"It's not like there's anything to go on about. First task is a surprise, remember?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what they said for all the tasks. But go on." Draco said, sitting down beside him.

"Hi."  Harry greeted with a smile. "So erm... how's your boyfriend doing with the tournament thing?"

"He has a vigorous training schedule, like Fleur. Cedric has private classes and a smart girlfriend. So you're the only one that's not getting any help." Draco replied with a look of sympathy.

"What exactly are they training for, even? Isn't the whole point of the games to adapt and test your abilities like that?"

"Technically, but people don't play fair." He said. "They want you severely injured in the first task, to prove a point. That's what you get for breaking rules." Hermione and Ron scowled. "Subsequently, of course, they'll make you fail. To show that the tournament wasn't affected by you, and the rightful victors are still winning."

"But that's... they're going to hurt a 14-year-old?" Ron exclaimed. Madame Pince rounded their corner, putting a finger to her lips with a stern glare. Draco waited for her to leave before speaking.

"The Ministry won't give a damn about student welfare. It's a gameshow, a politics game. You do realise that bringing back the tournament is a big deal for publicity and entertainment." He said. "You have a lot more diverse subjects in Hogwarts than in Durmstrang. Reading the higher level's textbooks seems to be a good start. Especially DADA, charms, transfiguration and herbology." Draco added.

Before anyone could even say an extra syllable, Hermione was brandishing thick advanced textbooks for 'reference', shoving them in front of Harry's face.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked softly.

"Because you're worth helping." Draco answered simply, continuing to read about alchemy, writing down notes on a sheet on parchment that he would later bind into a book. Harry couldn't help but look over at his writing, the beautiful curves and flow in his words that was perfectly neat and calming to watch.


"Why'd you ask me out here, outside curfew?" Harry whispered.

"Do you know what's for the first task yet?" Draco asked anxiously.


"Don't lie."

"Hagrid brought me yesterday." He admitted. "Why do you ask?"

"Because Fleur knows and Vik was the first to find out." Draco said. "You do know that Beauxbaton and my school are trying to edge you and Cedric out because you have 2 champions." He added softly. "No it's not fair to have 2 champions and increase your odds of winning to 50%, but it's also not fair to do that. It's not like it's your fault."

"Well, even if it's not right, it technically evens the playing field a bit." He shrugged.

"At your expense. But it's better you know. You could get killed."

"Were you planning to tell me what the first task was, had I said I didn't know." Harry asked- or demanded- abruptly.

"You could get killed." Draco repeated stubbornly, after a couple moments of silence.

"What about your boyfriend-"

"Don't mention him. It doesn't matter." He cut off, rather harshly.

It was dark, Harry couldn't tell anything from his body language. Only that he knew something was wrong. "I don't want you to say or do something you'll regret later in the afternoon." Harry said. From his faint silhouette Harry could tell Draco wasn't looking at him anymore. "Did he hurt you?" He tried to probe.

"No, no. I'm fine." But it all sounded like an unconvincing sigh. Harry was tempted, on multiple occasions, to cast a lumos to observe further, but decided against it. Draco mustered up a soft laugh. "For real. Just a bit of tension. I'm fine." This time, he sounded convincing and lighthearted. Harry would be inclined to believe him in any other situation, any other time expect this one. But he was afraid to pursue further.

"See you later, yeah? Think about your game plans and get some sleep." Draco said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, see you later."

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