Chapter 7

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I feel like everytime an author takes a break like this, they end up writing some sort of note apologising. In a sense I do owe you readers some accountability, or at least an explanation.

Firstly, COVID. Of course it hit us very differently, but for me, it has certainly worsened by mental health. Because I live in Asia, the first few months of COVID came since December 2019/ January 2020. Which sounds like a long time ago. But anyways, that was the time where nobody even knew what COVID was, how it was spread properly, or even that it was essential we all wear masks. In that state of distress, and seeing my country (and the countries around us) spike in cases everyday, it really felt like nobody was doing anything except for expecting it to just go away. It was especially disheartening when WHO then insisted, at the start of the year, that it was not serious enough to be declared as a state of emergency, until cases got serious on the Western side of the globe.

I know that I am not a professional, and tbh I don't want to jump to conclusions. But this is honestly what I really felt, that WHO (the WORLD health organisation), was more concerned with certain countries than others. Of course, the Asian hate that came after was also equally demoralising and hurtful.

Then, there was school and personal life (which I'm not getting into), but you get what I mean. And then there was the JK Rowling scandal (which I am still conflicted about). 'Separate the art from the artist', it's easy to way. Mentally, it's hard. Reading the works that branch off from a beautiful franchise that honestly changed my life from a shitty author is sinful enough, but contributing building on the fandom first hand is another thing altogether.

All this, plus a great deal of writer's block, left me very unmotivated to continue publishing the story. But now, I am back and hopefully, am able to finish it.

As for what it coming up next, I will definitely try to finish uploading this story, in parts. I have finished writing it already, but I have to do vetting. Honestly, I have rewritten this plot at least 4 times, no kidding, and the ending doesn't satisfy me. Also, because English isn't my first language, I do want to spend more time correcting errors. That's on top of my tendency to misspell words/ switch letter orders. I am also writing another story, which I am a lot more excited about, although that's probably not coming very soon.

Okays this is a very long author's note. Thank you for continuing to read and yea, here's the chapter. :)

Draco didn't cry, not after that day. He didn't go to the infirmary either. He just skipped school for 3 days straight, not even bothering to turn up for meals, worrying every professor. The Gryffindors would've thought Draco was busy moping, but he disappeared occasionally to the library and was spotted reading most of the time, although lying down on the bed while reading. Harry tried to advise him against resting on his already swollen cheek, which clearly did nothing but make him more determined to do so.

Deep inside, he felt ashamed of himself for being so incredibly stupid. No, he never exactly fell deeply for Viktor, but he didn't expect him to treat him so badly. He felt humiliated, for forcing them to take him in and caring for him. He felt especially bad towards Harry who was now pushed to sleep on the floor. Although, the two struck a deal to alternate between sleeping on the bed and the mattress weekly, so 'it was fair'.

The worst form of shame came in the morning and at night, when Viktor sent flowers accompanied with letters that he didn't bother to read. Draco casts them into the fireplace, without even batting an eye or touching them. Viktor made sure to send those with the most crowd watching- right before breakfast and right after dinner- and the most dramatic owls possible.

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