Chapter 6

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Draco was pulled to an abandoned classroom from his usual library seat, by a very livid Viktor. The whole 2 days he couldn't stop complaining- sometimes shouting- at anyone and everyone who could hear about how unfair it was and the fact that he didn't get first place for the dragon's task.

Draco was already put in a bad mood, having been forced to stop his reading and being done with hearing his rants just about 2 days ago. But even then, he understood what kind of a stupid move it was when he interrupted Viktor, not-so-politely asking him to shut up.

"He stole my chance at winning, Dray. You know, if it weren't for him, I would've gotten first place." Viktor grabbed Draco by the shoulders again, way too tightly to be comfortable. "First place!"

"Just be happy for him. He didn't want to join, younger than you, and he didn't have a good time when everyone was shunning him until now. And he got the fiercest dragon." Draco said. "At least you didn't get injured, right? And there's still 2 more tasks-"

"Why does it sound like you're siding with him now?" Viktor said. Draco was backed to the wall, with Viktor towering over him. "While you're at it, how about you run off now to suck his dick as a reward for getting first place?"

"What is this, people call you my whore and now you choose to live up to your name?" Viktor added with a sneer when Draco just bit his lip hard.

Draco could tolerate many things. Him being the outcast in Durmstrang was just testament to that. But one thing he couldn't stand was when the people close to him decided to hurt him. Madame Pince's words rang in his head while he reminded himself not to cry.

"Let's break up." He said instead.

"What did you say?" Viktor snapped.

"I said we break up, Vik." Draco repeated, a little louder this time. "If you can't respect my feelings and I don't understand yours, then there's no point in being together." Draco walked away, but barely made 2 steps before Viktor grabbed him by the hair, slamming him back against the wall.

"What did you say?" He growled. Draco whimpered when he forcely grabbed Draco and flung him against the wall again. A dull throb spread from the back of his head down his spine. Draco thrashed, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. Viktor was so much stronger, so much bigger than him.

"Am I not treating you nicely! I brought you here, I bought you gifts! You tell me to wait till you're 16, so I waited. Do you think you can play me like that-" One hand was clamped down on Draco's chest. The other smacked Draco across the cheek when he didn't stop screaming. "-you think I'll let you go? You think you can get away like that?"

Viktor slapped him again on the same side, hard enough to make him taste blood. Draco doesn't register the rest of his words. He cowers, but only enough for Viktor to now pin both his arms above his head with a hand around both wrists. His nails dug into Draco's porcelain skin, but Viktor's grip only got tighter every second. It could've been minutes, or hours, but Viktor didn't run out of things to yell at him.

Draco cried, not out of physical pain but out of fear and distress. Viktor wouldn't stop hitting him, kicking him. Draco begged him to stop, but he ignored that entirely. Then, Viktor pushed his legs apart by wedging a knee between them, with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Wait till you're 16, you said," Viktor caressed his cheek, swiping his thumb over Draco's cheekbone. Despite the gentle motion, Draco's cheek still stung, already starting to swell. Viktor's knee moved up, pressing against his thighs. "Be a good boy, don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry." He whispered, almost lovingly. Draco would've believed him, if not for the smirk on his face and the psychotic look in his eyes.

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