Chapter 16

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**huge ass time skip**

Draco and Ginny have gathered all the students into the room of requirement. The two have gotten particularly close during this tough time, especially after Draco openly defended her from the Carrows' mocking and abusing. Amycus Carrow glared at him, while his sister spat about something under her breath. Regardless of how much Draco was 'out of line', they never lifted their wand towards Draco, only daring to shoot murderous looks at him. Instead, they preferred to torture his friends in front of him, laughing atrociously loudly in his face. He wasn't sure what was worse, and if they hated him more or less than the rest of the students.

The door opens. In an instant, every student whips out their wands. Neville smiled at them to signal there was no danger, and behind him was the golden trio. There was no sound made aside from a soft gasp, and Draco's footsteps as he ran towards Harry. His Harry, who he hasn't seen for the better portion of a year because of horcrux hunting.

Neville's cheek was still swollen- thanks to Carrow yesterday of course- and Draco's healing potions were running low since they started getting violent towards third years and younger. The only source of his ingredients has been from Snape's office since they started killing all the owls and snatching away mail. Even then, potion's ingredients were heavily regulated in Hogwarts, and Draco didn't want to get Snape into more trouble.

"I missed you." Draco whispered into Harry's clothes. Despite the thicker jacket that he wore, Draco could see that Harry had lost weight significantly. Harry smiled, holding both of Draco's hands in his, rubbing warmth into his fingers.

"As much as we hate to break up your little lovebird reunion." Hermione said, although she couldn't hide her smile. "We came here for a reason."

"Right. Er." Harry stuttered after Ron nudged him hard. "So, we're meant to look for something that belongs to Voldemort." He looked down. "Except we don't know what it is, or where it is in the castle."

"But that's the only way to defeat him." Hermione chimed in. "And, the bad news is, Voldemort's going to attack the school soon."

"Oh, how about the Ravenclaw diadem?" Luna suggested.

"It hasn't been seen in years, though." Anthony Goldstein, another Ravenclaw said. "No one alive knows where it is."

The banter continues for a few minutes, until a silver cat patronus sprints around the room. Harry recognises it to be Professor Mcgonagall's immediately. Following the patronus, it led them to the great hall. The rest of the Professors were also gathered there. Amycus and Alecto Carrow, however, were tied up to two pillars while they continually spat insults at the rest.

"It's good to see you, Potter." Mcgonagall gives him a tired smile. Snape sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose from the Carrows' consistent screaming. Harry, deciding to put all of them out of misery, cast a silencing charm on the two. In a much softer tone, she said, "What do you need?"

"Time." He answered honestly.

"We will hold the borders for as long as possible then." She nodded. "I have already contacted everyone, those who can come should come soon."

As if on cue, the order appears right at the doors of the great hall. Draco is greeted by an extremely anxious Narcissa Malfoy, who was alternating between hugging her son and asking all sorts of questions.

"Why are both of you here?" Draco asked his parents finally, when they eventually calmed down. "You can't be here, what if Voldemort-"

"Your father and I have been part of the order since he came back. That's why it wasn't safe to have you around." Narcissa said with a sad smile. Draco didn't know what to say. His parents were good people, and great parents no doubt, but bravery was never one of their strong suits. And he knew full well that his father would never see eye to eye with the views of the order.

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