Chapter 18

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**another time skip whoops**

Harry massaged his temples gently, not from exhaustion but his eyes were feeling gritty after looking at documents for so long. He glanced at the clock, surprised to see that it had somehow transposed into the mid afternoon and his half-eaten sandwich from breakfast was still sitting at the corner of his office table, forgotten.

Sighing, Harry stands up and resigns himself to another cup of tea. And thank Merlin for the hot water dispenser just 2 steps away from his table, proudly displayed on the shelves of his office. A gift from Draco not for any special occasion but just because Draco liked to buy gifts.

Speaking of, the tea bag barely skimmed the water when 2 arms wrapped around his waist. Harry smiled, resting his hand over the paler ones while the other searched for a spoon at his small but rather messy pantry. "I'm here to deliver the files on the case, Head Auror Potter-Malfoy." Draco said while kissing his shoulder, his blonde hair tickling Harry's cheek. "And I think I've gotten a good lead." He chirped, clearly an afterthought. Harry didn't need to look at his precious husband to know he was grinning.

Harry was now fully turned around so both his hands were on Draco's hips, perhaps to the point where they cupped his ass more. Draco reached for Harry's cup, flicking his wrist lazily so the sugar and milk was poured in the way Harry liked it, and stole a sip before finally settling the cup back down on the desk. Draco pushed Harry back down on his office chair, straddling him, but Harry doesn't miss the extra file sitting atop his paperwork. "Let's hear about the lead you got, Auror Malfoy-Potter." Harry said, not forgetting the work at hand.

"Mmm, the lead which may crack the case so my sexy saviour can come home on time, and preferably without a frown..." Draco said, his hands now trailing all over Harry's chest. Loosening his tie- the tie that he helped Harry adjust every morning because he wouldn't ever get it right. Popping a button of Harry's shirt open- the full wardrobe change courtesy of Draco's parents who insisted on post-war shopping, after having a nightmare from accidentally chancing upon Harry's extremely meagre closet.

"Remember the locket that we couldn't open?" He said in between kisses on Harry's collarbone. Not that Harry was just stupidly sitting there, of course not. Draco's touch, especially with his purposeful and slow hip movements, were causing blood to rush straight to his crotch. Harry had Draco's belt undone and draped over the armrest while he continued talking. "Dad and I were talking about it over dinner, when you couldn't make it home last weekend. I did some digging, and he was right."

Harry nodded, nibbling Draco's now-exposed collarbone. "It's a bit of a horcrux concept, except instead of a soul, it takes a fragment of the victim's magical core, and intertwines it with the caster, making them more powerful. It's like having the abilities of 2 people in one specific area."

"But magical cores have sequences unique to each person, each fragment can be recognised." Harry replied absent-mindedly.

"No, the fragment is too small, too broad to specifically pinpoint. But I found something better." Draco's talking wasn't sped up now, excited. Harry sucked on his neck, letting him talk. "We can't recognise who the fragment's is, but we can trace a magical core with a dozen of those fragments intertwined into it. It's heavier than the rest."

I plotted a full record of the perpetrator. He crossed by diagon, through to Hampshire, right to an elusive, worn cottage. And then, crossing Graystafs' river."

"Ah, so suspect 3." Harry concluded. "Xanderson Cole." Draco nodded, a rather elicit moan escaping his lips after Harry bit down at his sweet spot. Harry licked over the red patch, proud of marking his beautiful husband. Draco shivered when Harry's hand crept up his shirt, warm fingers going up his back in contrast to the cool silver ring that occasionally grazed his skin. The ring was, of course, more of Draco's choice than Harry's, since they both knew who had a better eye for fashion. And Harry even couldn't say that he didn't think it was a perfect choice, despite the very sinful price tag that came attached with the pair of rings.

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