Chapter 13

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Draco was huddled together with Harry on the love seat, occasionally scribbling notes onto his charms textbook, randomly testing Harry on how to deal with various sorts of magical creatures in preparation for the final task. Meanwhile, he was analysing a book about dark artefacts and their properties, something Harry had absolutely no interest in but grew accustomed to Draco reading.

"Blast-ended skrewts?"

"Aim for the belly. Stunning hex or impediment jinx works best." Draco nods, considering Harry's answer for a second.

"Or you could douse them in water. It makes them confused as it clashes with their fire magical core." He added. Harry lets Draco lean on his shoulder, while the blonde frowned at a particularly weird image made up of lines and circles.

"Anything wrong?" Harry asked as Draco continued to study the intricate yet bizarre patterns.

"I just thought the book showed some promise. But I've read it 3 times now, and there isn't anything I'm looking for. The only thing I've yet to understand is this diagram, maybe it holds some answers..."

"Answers to what?"

"I'm worried about my father." Draco said. Harry was well aware of what he meant, since Draco did share about the conversation he overheard between Snape, Karkaroff and his parents. Filling in the gaps rather easily, Harry concluded that they were all death eaters. And the dark mark becoming more prominent daily couldn't be a good sign. "Harry, do you think it's possible to remove the mark?"

"The dark mark? Maybe... but your dad must've tried everything, for you and your mum." Harry replied thoughtfully, kissing Draco's temple.

"My father told me once, for every problem there is a solution, just like how every piece of magic has a counter." Harry pondered over the words for a second, but Draco was already facing him with a worried expression. "Harry, I don't have a good feeling."

"About what?"

"Everything. The task, my parents, school. Everything just feels off." Draco lamented but leaning deeper into Harry's embrace. "There's like this... whole layer of dark magic, like a blanket trying to swallow us. I can't explain it, but I can't shake the feeling away."

"Hey. Every problem has a solution, right?" Harry said. "Maybe you're reading too much into these sorts of things. It's can't be good if you're stressing so much." He kisses Draco's hand gently. "Stop reading for the night? We can talk about the herbology pair work." The pair work wasn't due till 2 months later, but anything was better than Draco continually worrying.

Draco had no interest in working on the project, and especially not at this hour, but he sensed Harry's desperation and could tell that he was that close away from pleading. Reluctantly, he nodded, and Harry smiled, leading them back to the study table in their dorm.


The crowd was the same even after 2 tasks, but it seemed particularly overbearing this time. Harry appreciated his school, but he never truly realised how many students there were until they were all gathered around the quidditch pitch in this instant, somehow.

It was already dark, but it seemed like the previous task caused the organisers to be a little more slack on them. For one, they allowed their friends and family to actually talk to them before the task. Hermione was busy rattling off last minute advice, Ron was keeping him calm. And Draco, who was desperately trying to hide his worry, clutched onto Harry's hand so tight it was threatening to cut off circulation.

"I'll be okay." Harry tried telling him, running his thumb over his fingers. He knew Draco had this bad feeling for weeks and was unable to shake it. "I have good odds of winning, actually." Harry grinned, trying to lighten up the mood and cheer his boyfriend up.

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