Chapter 4

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2 days later, Draco didn't come for classes. He sent in a formal apology letter to each of the professors along with completed work exercises. Of course, Snape took a whole 20 minutes of class time complaining about how 'the foreign students were so much more responsible and hardworking' and, in essence, 'he wished he was just teaching 30 other Dracos so he wouldn't have to deal with their shit but life wasn't fair'. As if anyone dared to come 10 minutes late to his class, much less not turn up entirely. Apparently, he was helping Krum train for the first task. In what way, no one knew.

Professor Mad-eye dragged Harry aside on the same day, urging him to practise more spells in preparation for the first task. After constant interrogation Harry caved and told him that he did, in fact, know what the first task is about. With that out of the way, the Professor then advised him to use accio, the summoning spell, to get his broomstick into the arena.

So back in the dorm room he was, randomly summoning objects for practice. It annoyed Dean how random books and cups were zipping over his head every few seconds while he tried to finish his charms essay, although no one commented about that. Ron offered to help Harry with his training, claiming he needed to summon things from further distances to actually get better. He lay multiple books at the common room area, watching as each one of them disappeared into their dorm.

By next week, the trio would enter the Great Hall exceptionally early, so Harry could practice summoning items from the other end of the room. And the next, just as the weather was experiencing a drop in temperature, they took things out to the quidditch pitch.

He rarely talked to Draco outside of classes anymore. The only other time they exchanged a few words was when the champions had to get their wands checked. Hermione and Ron came along with him too. Draco was waiting outside for Krum and so it was natural to start talking. For a mere 5 minutes, before his boyfriend came between them and said something in Russian. Harry wasn't sure if it was his accent or if he was literally chiding Draco in front of them. Draco returned a few words in Russian too, giving an awkward smile to each of them. Either way, Krum held his hand when they left and Harry wasn't sure what to feel, except knowing for the fact that it dampened his spirits a little.


Draco sat in the library, alone, scribbling on papers randomly. He had run out of notes to write for transfiguration, finished his homework, and was in no mood to do any more readings. So he let his mind wander off to write whatever he wanted, most of which just gibberish. An excuse, though a flimsy one, for him to not go back to his cabin.

"You're still here." Madam Pince said. No hint of anger in her tone or expression, merely worry. Normally, she would've lost her temper at a student for not adhering to curfew, but this boy was another story. He was always well-mannered, polite, and treated the books well. Very obedient. Naturally, Madam Pince had a soft spot for him. Besides, it seemed rude to shout at Hogwarts' guests.

"Dear, the library closed 2 hours ago." She put softly. Draco nodded, putting his stack of papers into a pile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hold you up." He mumbled, bringing his arm up to his eyes in a rough wipe. "You may go back first, I won't cause any trouble." Madam Pince frowned. The old seat creaked as she sat down beside him, a hand on his shoulder. "Got into a fight?"

Draco shook his head. He didn't want to tell her much, but it felt necessary to say something. Of all the things Viktor had said, in all their fights, it seemed like this was the breaking point of their relationship. He expected every insult, every snarky remark that others made, just not from his own partner. Being called names was one thing, having his own boyfriend acknowledge them was another. His own boyfriend, slinging an arm around him while laughing at his friend's 'joke', hurt Draco in an angle that he didn't know he could be hurt before.

"If he hurt you, and you don't want to confront him about it even if you know that you should, maybe it shows that the relationship should come to an end." Madam Pince suggested solemnly. "Each partner needs to know the boundaries of the other, and if they cross the line, repeatedly, then was there really a healthy relationship to begin with?"

"He was drunk." Draco said with a shaky laugh. Tears were running down his cheeks and he didn't understand why. "But drunk actions, sober thoughts? I don't know what to think..."

"Stupid, is what I think. The night before the first task, he should be resting, above all else." Madam Pince shook her head in disapproval. "A piece of personal advice, dear- leaving the relationship sooner causes less harm to both parties."

"Why are you helping me?" Draco blurted out. Madam Pince was certainly not the most approachable of adults, most people would shun her because of her sulky stalking around the library.

"At one point in my life, I gave a man my everything and was left with nothing. Nothing, but a miscarriage and a broken heart." She smiled sadly. "But you're so young. And you're smart. A few weeks of pain is such an incredibly low price to pay in comparison."

"Pack your things, dear, and have a good rest tonight." Madam Pince said with a final tone, standing up straight again. Her gaunt figure produced an eerie yet elegant figure against the moonless night. "We shall leave together."

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