Chapter 10

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"Mr. Malfoy, your parents have asked for a meeting, which is why you're here." Mcgonagall explained, her lips pressed into a thin line. Dumbledore, always comparatively calmer, tapped his fingers against the oak table in a rather eccentric pattern while telling each of them to have a seat.

"Lemon drop, Draco?" He offered with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Just as he was about to politely decline, his parents came through the floo network, dusting their robes gently.

Draco's parents were, of course, nothing short of elegant and poised. Draco resembled his father in almost every aspect, aside from the less-square jaw and rounder oval shape of his eyes that came from his mother.

"Ah, Lucius. What a pleasant surprise." Dumbledore mused.

"Indeed, Headmaster. Hello, Severus." Lucius said.

"I don't remember you ever telling me you had a son." Snape sighed, not hiding his shock well. "Much less at this age."

"Circumstances were dire, back then. We both haven't met in years, since the war ended, so I never got the opportunity to introduce." He said lightly. "Either way, I believe that we have come to the unanimous decision for Draco to transfer schools."

Igor Karkaroff, Durmstrang's headmaster, made an unsatisfactory grunt, but wasn't given the time to speak up. "With all due respect, Igor, you have failed your own students. How does such a serious case of sexual assault not get reported immediately. If anything, the kid should be expelled with immediate effect." Narcissa, though slim and petite, was no pushover with her words which almost resonated around the office.

"I'm sure Viktor wasn't-"

"Didn't mean it? Some star student you have." She snapped, yet maintaining her posture and somehow, composure. With a hand protectively wrapped around Draco, she proceeded to glare at him. "I suggest you have a backup student for the triwizard tournament, since court cases may take up most of his time."

"Mother..." Draco whispered. "Don't blow this up, please."

"You don't need to worry, nothing will leak into the press about you, we'll make sure of that. There's also nothing to be ashamed about. Your mother and I will always be with you."

"I mean it, I don't want to pursue matters." Draco pleaded.

"You heard him." Karkaroff took the opportunity to say. Lucius considered his son's words for a minute, then nodded, but took out the documents for transfer all the same.

"I am obligated to tell you that it will take 3 weeks to finalise these documents, as per protocol." Dumbledore hummed, Fawkes crowing at the tune of his words. There were some more back and forth, either pleasantries or even more signatures. Then, as instructed, Draco sat on the stool to get sorted, which took less than a second. The hat didn't even hesitate and shouted 'Slytherin' even before it touched his head.

Draco recognised the look of pride in his parents' expressions immediately. With utmost formality, Lucius and Narcissa thank them once more, reminding Draco that they could take action 'any time he was ready'.

To Draco's surprise, his parents don't leave directly through the floo, instead exiting through the main door behind him.

"Draco! How was it?" Pansy asked anxiously. Harry instinctively held his hand, but dropped it immediately seeing Draco's father. "Erm, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." She mumbled.

"Hello, dear." Narcissa said with a smile. The more unsettling portion was Lucius, who nodded but stayed quiet, his eyes already taking in the whole scene and deep in calculation. "You kids go off to Hogsmeade, we should have a little catching up to do with Severus."

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