Chapter 7

395 17 7

Cassie POV

It wasn't too hard finding the cafeteria.

Yeah right, not including the fact that I got completely lost in this labyrinth of a school.

Because of my non-existent sense of direction, I eventually found myself wondering down hallways and peering around corners hoping to just miraculously end up in the cafeteria.

No such luck.

After a few dead ends, a million times of finding myself in front of the same classroom I swear I had left fifteen minutes ago, and walking into a pole, I had finally managed to persuade my stubborn self to approach someone for directions.

Seeing as that most of the school was already at the cafeteria, it took me a bit of wondering around to even find someone to ask.

After about another ten minutes of aimlessly walking around, I spotted someone taking some books from their locker.

Perfect, just what I needed.

I smiled to myself glad that he was stationary and not walking somewhere. I really didn't have the stamina left to go on a big chase just to get directions.

Glancing his way, I could see a vague figure of him.

He was in a dark blue hoody with a few green streaks running across it and a pair of black shorts. From where I was standing, despite the hoody, I could tell that he was quite fit from his lean body and tall build.

Sucking in all the courage I had, I made my way towards him and tapped his shoulder lightly hoping to get his attention.

What I didn't expect was for him to suddenly turn around to face me. Because of his sudden movements, as if on impulse, I leaped back flailing my arms around in surprise.

Lesson learnt. Never do this when someone is holding a stack of paper in his arms.

As a result, I found myself in the amidst of white, as paper snowed around me. I stared in horror as I watched the last of the paper settle onto the floor before turning back towards the boy that was stood in front of the locker his eyes wide in surprise.

How do I always find myself in these kinds of situations? Oh right, because I'm cursed with the need of always having to make a mess of things. Sounds about right. For goodness sake, all I wanted to do was ask for directions.

For the next few seconds, we just stood there in silence and frozen on the spot as if what had happened needed some time to register in our heads.

After I had finally regained the ability to speak again, I quickly apologized before bending down to start picking up the sheets off the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make such a mess." I said glancing worriedly at him as he also bent down and began picking up sheets along with me.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that big of a deal anyway." He said as he gave me a small smile.

With his hoody shaken off his head due to him having to bend down to pick up the papers, I could see his face clearly now.

He had curly blond hair with small streaks of brown running through it, the front of his hair was also slightly gelled up to form a small quiff. But what stood out the most were his eyes as I found myself hitch my breath at the sight of them.

His eyes were a beautiful shade of dark blue that grew lighter as it closed into the center, it felt almost as if I was staring into the ocean. His iris also was speckled with a few bits of white which blended ever so slightly with the blue surrounding it.

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