Chapter 5

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"I could see you," Shan answered immediately, correcting the mysterious figure. "You may be elusive, yet you harbor the heartbeat of a frightened child. Quite easy to follow."

The man scoffed and took another step forward, coming fully into the dim light. A growing grin swelled on his face. Sharpened teeth glinted in the dark air. "Do you know me?" he grumbled.

"I do not," Shan replied. "Thus, I could not sense you."

"Ah, you have the power of sense. A truly compelling gift." The man admired. As he spoke, Shan noticed tints of a core world ascent. It was distinct and unforgettable. There was a royal air to his speech. No doubt a Coruscant native, indoctrinated into the temple as a local hero. And in the chilled light of the complex, Shan could now examine his skin more closely through the scanners in his display. The man was a Near-Human; sentient beings closely resembling the normal humans of this universe, but ripe with bizarre abilities, attributes and physical differences which set them apart. This one could hide; shifting his skin to fit the colors, and somehow freezing it to evade heat sensors. 

He almost resembled an animal, with a thick mane of shaggy blonde hair which draped and framed his face, surrounded by a broad, muscular frame. He was a beastly man. Shirtless, wearing only tight fitting cargo pants with a haggard utility belt, and without boots or shoes. Instead, displaying the scars of battle vividly on his rough feet, chest and arms. Uncivilized in appearance, yet with the fierce mind of a warrior.   

"Almost as compelling as translucent skin." Shan remarked, folding his hands behind his back and stepping toward him. "I would imagine the Jedi council thought very highly of you at one point. Before your inevitable fall..." he added.

The man puffed out his chest, standing straight and strong. "Don't try to figure me out, Sith worm. You know nothing of my hell."

Shan chuckled under his breath. "Oh, I can assure you I know hell quite well. And I believe I have already figured you out. See where you stand, fool. The ease of which we tracked you was surprisingly pleasant. I am so used to investigations. Yet you provide almost no mystery at all."

The man stood still for a moment, then grasped the chain-blade weapon from his back. The braids of the chain swung in the darkness, glimmering and reflecting on Shan's helmet. The Second Sister, who had been respectfully silent and steadfast, jolted as he moved, unintentionally grabbing onto the hilt of her saber. Shan remained completely still, unaffected.

With one swift motion, the man flung the end of his weapon forward. The silver bladed end shot directly past the side of Shan's unflinching head, sinking itself into the body of his partner, and extinguishing his life forever. As it retracted, returning the blade to his hand, blood spattered onto the side of Shan's helmet, sizzling and evaporating quickly as they contacted the red hot glow of his visor. 

After a brief moment of contemplation, the man finally jumped down to the surface with a thud, and faced his new enemy directly. Although he seemed confident, his aggression was staggered by a growing fear Shan could sense coursing through his body. It was that notion which gave Shan confidence. In situations such as this, he had already won, and he knew it.

"It was him, wasn't it?" the man asked in a gruff whisper, gesturing to his deceased partner. "He lead you here, didn't he?" 

"Careless mistakes are often made by the young minded." Shan said, recalling one of his master's many lessons. "Kolt Kuuma." he added, presenting his name. 

Kuuma smiled at Shan. "Quite some system you have in that helmet." He began to cautiously pace--not in Shan's direction--but around the perimeter, much like a stalking animal. The Second Sister remained vigilant and alert. Shan remained calm and still, his heart beat slowing. "I told him not to take that ship." He stated. His head was down, almost talking to himself. 

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