Chapter 4

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The jewels of Coruscant glistened magnificently in the darkness surrounding the city. Whether under the vail of shadows, or slave to the day, this metropolis and it's vibrant energy remained unchanged. Life and light were strung through the entire surface of the planet, like streams of lava carved with straight lines in the shapes of triangles and circles, emanating from multiple centers around the globe. Skyscrapers stretched high into the air, and deep down into the depths of the city, where even the strongest ray of sunlight could not reach.

This was their destination.

As they traveled downward on Shan's custom Delta-class shuttle, he and the Second Sister absorbed the atmosphere before them. The bustling crowds, the symmetrical traffic, the glow of the neon, the perfect balance between light and dark. Though, to Shan, Coruscant always appeared far more beautiful without the pain of the day light. The darkness gave it color. Mood. Passion. Brilliance. Life.

But now was not the time for poetic thoughts. It was time to begin their investigation. Earlier today, the symbol which the Second Sister had identified on the mysterious cargo ship was finally spotted by a garrison at yet another starside Imperial attack. Troops were sent out to track the vessel bearing the symbol, and as expected by the Second Sister, it indeed traveled back to Coruscant. The connection was clear now; whoever owned this ship was still involved with what remained of the Bando Gora, now under the name "Black Gora."

Troopers followed the ship into a secret section of the Coruscant underworld--a world below a world. It was identified as an independent mining colony, far from the radiation of the street lights, and silent to the passing crowds. Hidden away by narrow passages, decrepit cargo tunnels, and random poisonous gasses seeping from the walls. When the troopers could venture no further, they relayed the information directly to Shan's ship, as he had instructed. Wasting no time, he called for the Second Sister and departed immediately. 

Now, as the planet crossed into the edge of night, the immense stabilizers on either side of Shan's shuttle cut through the dusk born fog like two blades, hanging in the grey air like giant fangs. As it glided behind one of the wide, squared buildings, the stabilizers folded flat to the sides like the wings of a bird, and the ship slowly began to descend into the depths of the underworld. 

As not to draw attention, Shan refused any aid from TIE fighters or additional troops, choosing instead to keep a low profile. To the Second Sister's surprise, he had even suggested wearing black cloaks to better disguise them. After all, the deeper one traveled into the bowls of the city, the more the Empire was hated. Shan could not risk any diversion or unwanted attention which would alert any to his true identity. This was the time to be swift and shaded.

When Shan's ship touched down atop a cubic landing structure, it settled into place with a sigh of compressed air, shooting white plumes of smoke into the dusty air.  The tall, narrow opening of the doorway slid open, and a long ramp unfolded onto the surface. Before the ramp touched the ground, Shan's heavy footsteps were already plodding down the metallic plates, causing the scattered droids, aliens and men around them to stop and take notice of the activity. They watched in mild wonder as two dark, ghostly, hooded figures glided from the ship, with an aura of white and red light pulsating from door behind them. All who gazed upon them fell ill. Unsettled. Taken by a force they could not see. And as the two figures passed, they dared not to meet an eye. 

Upon entering a less crowded part of the area, Shan stopped to observe the activity, uncovering his visor from the hood. High above them, there was no sky--or dusky light. Only massive, expansive steel plates, with beams and electrical wires running across the surface. On all sides, they were surrounded by cracked and broken stone buildings--remnants of the colonies of Coruscant dating back thousands of years. Today, the buildings had all been reformed and rebuilt with modern technology and materials, now acting as cheap apartments, items shops, and pubs for the local inhabitants, who appeared to be mostly workers, parts dealers and drug addicts. This was a mining area. A work zone, entertainment and berthing area for the employees and the company assets.   

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