Chapter 9

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Barriss Offee. A disgraced Jedi. Once willfully falling into darkness, attaining a new mantel as enemy of the great order of light. But through this, she gained not but failure, and her life was cast away. Imprisoned in the depths of Coruscant, doomed to an existence of cold steel. Yet the weak will of the Jedi remained far stronger than any other emotion they harbored. Before long, she found herself redeemed in a time of forgiveness, allowed to stand at their side once more.  However, her phoenix rise was not to last, as she ascended only into the gaping maw of a dragon's mouth. Order 66 would take them all. Or so it seemed for some time.

Now here she stood among the darkness anew. Empress to the shadows. Ambassador to the veils of neither worlds which surrounded the space between them. Shan could sense an immense energy coursing through the air, unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was vibrant. It was unsettling. It was disturbing. Flames burned in her heart. Dark light swarmed through her veins. Whatever this new power may be, it was haunting, and she had become well aware of her presence. "You remember..." she said with a tone of affection, as if she were addressing a former lover.

Shan remembered her very well. During his early years at the temple, he could recall many interactions with Barriss while he was training. They had shared many classrooms and sword lessons together. And although they never developed a true friendship, those shared moments were all Shan needed to imbed her energy into his mind. "I do not forget." Shan stated.

"You commend me, my lord." A genuine smile splintered her blackened lips.

"Nevermore." Shan immediately retorted. 

Barriss' smile fell as she took a few steps forward, quickly coming to the edge of the stone platform on which she stood. She spread her arms out in a welcoming manner, yet she was only presenting herself. "Do you not take pride in what I have done? Does it not please you to see me standing within the darkness."

Shan remained silent for a moment, then walked slowly to the edge of the stairs, gazing up at her. "You know nothing of darkness."

Barriss let another maniacal laugh escape. The sounds echoed through the chamber wildly, as if hundreds of disembodied voices were joined in song. "I am the darkness." She replied. 

Shan was insulted by these statements. No matter what she may have become, it was not natural or authentic. Although he could feel the power, this energy was a fabrication of the Darkside; an imitation of the shadow life. One Shan was not willing to let live. "Your beliefs plague my mind. And I intend to stop it. Here and now."

"Spoken like a true Sith. No doubt you understand I know your path very well."

Halos of red glinted in Shan's eyes as his rage spiked. "You are subversion. Nothing more than a perverted disciple of failure. Cast away from both Light and Dark because you do not belong. You are inorganic matter."  

"Is the Darkside not a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural?" Barriss spat. 

Shan's distaste for this situation had reached a peak. A disgraced Jedi daring to quote the Emperor himself. To Shan this notion was sacrilegious. A daunting offense to his existence. "Bite your forked tongue, witch," he barked assertively. "You summon magic, not the Force which binds the stars."

"You may be interested in learning..." she insisted. 

"The only aspect of your existence that interests me is the beating of your heart." Shan scoffed. 

Barriss donned a wistful expression. "Perhaps it is not beating at all." She said. 

"Then my work here has become easier," Shan replied, taking a step up the staircase. Suddenly, he felt a tremor shake his body. It was unnerving. A power which he could not willfully control or overcome. As he looked up to Barriss, he could see her arm slowly raising into the air. Out of her hand came a white, thick smoke, pouring from the tips of her fingers like an angry volcano. Shan tried to reach for his saber, but to his shock, he was frozen in place. "What is this?!" he exclaimed. 

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