Chapter 2

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When the sun rose over the rocky plains of Malastare the next day, it gave way to an entirely new vision of beauty. The once darkened hills, covered in only shadows and fading light, now shinned bright with morning radiation from the red glow. Expansive fields of deep green grass, with golden acres of forests lined by jagged rock spires, bordered by the bright orange and blue shades of day break.

Neither Shan or the Second Sister had slept. Instead, both remained vigilant and awake all night, studying and absorbing their surroundings. They meditated through the darkest hours of the night, and breathed in the first rays of the sun when it broke over the horizon. Not a word was spoken between them at any time, choosing to remain aware of the importance of their silence.

As the bright orb of the sun arched higher into the sky, Shan stood motionless overlooking the compound below, like one of the many rock pillars jutting into the air around him. Between his fingers, he held a very small, compact white book. Directly behind him, the Second Sister sat with her legged crossed, hands placed gently on her knees, deep in thought. When at last, he sensed her movement behind him again, he snapped the book shut, and placed it inside a hidden breast pocket.

Her eyes shot open with his swift and stern motion. She could sense it was something important to him, yet very private. This thought intrigued her. But she couldn't let it distract her now. It was time to hunt.

As the world around them came to life with the passing day, they ventured down deeper into the forgotten relics of the Dug crime lord's compound. They soon found themselves increasingly closed in; surrounded by high towers of natural rock formations, dark grey and strong as the core of the earth. Still high in the air, atop a huge mountain side, which harbored airy flat surfaces that were sturdy enough for building. Along the stone walls, tiny openings were scattered at various levels, resembling tiny huts carved into the surface. Old hideouts. Passage ways and corridors only a Dug could navigate, each leading further into the mountain.

Below was a scattering of old buildings, circular and oblong in shape, with four or five layers of platforms hiding old gun turret rooms, weapons stashes, and personal chambers for lookouts. Once so masterfully constructed by the proud Dugs, they were all decrepit now, with tiles and old wooden roofs threatening to fall, cracked and beaten by the natural cause of time. A crime lord ghost town from a time before the Empire.

It was this very wall that Shan and the Second Sister were now required to scale. There were no paths to the side, or underneath, and all of the tiny passageways in the side of the wall were not traversable, as were the facilities beyond; a victim of frequent cave ins. But the power of the Force was the only ally they needed.

Like leaves in the wind, each used their immense power to swiftly float up the face of the cliff, using their feet to gain a bit of traction, pressing against the small roofs for footholds. Within mere moments they had reached the top, and wafted gently to the apex of the precipice. Shan touched down first, and then the Second Sister behind him. A breath of rocky dust sprang from their feet and released a cloud into the clear, chilled air. 

As the Second Sister came to his side silently, both gazed out over the horizon. A purple haze now overshadowed the hills below. The higher the sun rose into the sky, the more colors revealed, reflecting off the high statues of rock before them. It was captivating. Even pure evil such as they could sense it. Then, a question came into Shan's mind. "How many Jedi have you ended?" he asked optimistically, tilting his head in her direction. 

She involuntarily looked in the opposite direction. "I have lost count. I don't keep them in my memories,"

This line immediately stuck Shan like a knife. He could sense a powerful hidden meaning behind this statement. They were clear words, yet stifled behind her teeth. "You past truly haunts you," he stated. 

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