Chapter 12

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The following day, Shan and the Second Sister had returned safely to the iron arms of the Empire. The cold grasp of space was familiar to them following their stay on Kohlma. The frigid darkness was a sense of welcoming, perhaps even a form of warmth in it's own unique way, relieving their nerves and calming their souls. 

It was only a day before the Second Sister had fully healed, spending just one night alone in a bacta tank specially designed for burns and abrasions. The lightning strikes she had suffered in the fall had left her olive skin scared and cloven. Even with the strong healing abilities of the tanks, which specialized in binding and revitalizing flesh, could not mend all of her wounds. They would be scars she would carry for the rest of her life, yet scars she took pride in.

In the hours after the Empire had seized Kohlma, the destruction Shan had rendered inside the cave revealed a secret weapons and supply cache beneath the church. Interestingly, most of the hoard consisted Old Republic ships and supplies. Battle cruisers, fighters and droids, along with blasters, power cells, a healthy supply of coaxium. Yet most intriguing of all, were several sets of IG-100 MagnaGuards, used by General Grievous during the Clone Wars. Further analysis revealed that this cache had indeed passed through the famous general's hands at one point, and was perhaps a secret war supply which had been hidden away, and protected by his MagnaGuards until the droid control ships were finally shut down. It was one of the most crucial discoveries in the Empire's young history, and Shan was elated. 

Though all of this somehow paled in comparison to his new passion, who he now called by her true name, Trilla. His angel of darkness. Of death. His counterpart beneath the hand of Emperor. And now, his new instrument of love and chaos, dedicated to serving him for the glory of the Empire. Following a brief encounter with his master, who praised him on his continued success, Shan wasted no time in returning to Trilla, rescuing her from the white walls of the medical bays, and presenting her instead with the beautiful darkness that was Shan's personal chamber.

It was a rich and decadent space, filled with the aroma of sweet spice and chilled by the squared marble tiles, reflecting the light of the stars on their surface. Broad maroon curtains lined the bed space and walls, framing a large bay window which protruded from rear of the ship. The hulk of Kohlma floated silently through the pane of icy glass, as blue flashes of lightning sparkled on the surface. And in each corner stood ancient Sith artifacts, some of which appeared to be large statues, while others were symbols and carvings fitted to the walls. 

In his bed, both laid quietly, bathed in the gray shine of Kohlma as the last rays of pale light disappeared among the endless graves, their naked skin gleaming in celestial glow. Cold sweat against their bones, the spark of Shan's fingers shocking her flesh as he ran them down her spine. Only the sounds of their passion through the night gave clue to their location. Yet on this night, the howls and cries blended wondrously with the melody of ghostly sounds swarming around them.

When bright flashes began to enter the dark space, both rose from the bed to witness a stunning sight. As Kohlma began to drift out of sight, the Empire's new weapon came into view. It's production had only been rumor and speculation until this point, even to Shan, and now it was realization. The device was a long, cylindrical shaft, a hundred miles long, with a large dish the size of a small moon at it's end. The massive machine sat stoically above Kohlma, positioned with the dish facing down at the surface of the moon, and Star Destroyers surrounding it on all sides. 

Shan could feel every officer on board those ships--he could practically taste their emotions. Fear. Lust. Resolve. Power. The salivating beasts of the imperial forces, encircling their pray as the hunt concluded. Trilla edged closer to him, pressing her naked breasts against the robust muscles of his back, allowing one of her arms to drape over his shoulder and onto his beating heart. She embraced him from behind gently, then rested her chin beside his neck, eyes widening as green flashes of light began to emanate from the disc. "What is it?" she said softly.

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