Chapter 7

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The Second Sister had never seen thunderstorms so black and vicious. Now entering the madness of Kohlma, the burial moon of Bogden, the raging patterns of dark clouds surging around the sharp surfaces were as living beasts. Majestic formations of monsters swirling and churning through the violet bands of rain, with blue sparks of lighting crashing into the barren fields, like the head of giant snake striking again and again. A testament to the inhospitable environment of these lands. It was beautiful.

Shan's ship tore through the atmosphere and descended quickly down to the surface. With the crackling sky and wild wind, his ship hardly made a sound as it touched the steely rocks, appearing as a massive bird settling into the hillside. After preparing their utility belts with the necessary materials for traversing the hostile terrain, they disembarked and began to make their way across the craggy, wet fields.

The rain seemed to come from all directions, whipping their helmets with tremendous force. They pinged as if small metal balls bouncing off their vizors in a slushy mess of ice. The wind roared around them, compromising balance with almost every step, making them ever more cautious of the endless narrow voids surrounding them.  

"How far, my lord?" The Second Sister called out over the gusts.

Shan kept his head angled down, pressing forward with confidence. "Not far." He replied.  

They walked for a long while. Far longer than she had anticipated. All the way avoiding blasts of deadly lightning which left the ground boiling, leaping over frightening crevasses, and dodging random divebombs from huge spindly bats which nipped at their faces. At first it was unclear to her why they had landed so far away, but the further she traveled, the more she understood. With each step it seemed, the lands ahead of them became more violent. With sharp spikes of black rock spires jutting into the air, sudden cliffs, inaccessible caves, and steep jagged ridgelines formed like dunes. Not a single place for even a small ship to land here. And that was exactly the point.  

"There," Shan barked. He lifted his arm and pointed a head of him.

The Second Sister stepped beside him and squinted. There, through the sheets of rain and mist, was what appeared to be an old megaplex. Against the dark sky it was almost unnoticeable, with thin layers of gothic wrought iron fixtures holding together deep blue circular panes of stained glass, which gave it the appearance of several enormous eyes bulging from the hillside. The inside of the complex seemed to be glowing with some ghostly light through the thick fog.

"We must enter though the underground caverns," he stated, motioning toward a small entrance carved into the rock wall. "The stone bridge ahead has since been destroyed." The Second Sister nodded optimistically, thankful for any refuge from the tremendous storm, and gracefully scurried into the mouth of the cave, as Shan followed.  

Once deeper inside, the thunderous sounds quietly vanished, replaced by an eerie silence. It was as if they had been swallowed by the moon itself, slowly drawing closer to the cold belly with each step. Snaps of wind flew past them as if erratic breaths were erupting from the unknown darkness beyond. She examined her surroundings, the inner light from her visor providing enough red radiance to see a few steps ahead. "Do we know exactly where this leads?" She asked. 

Shan held the side of his helmet instinctively, scanning the inner workings of the shadowy tunnel. After a brief moment, he walked ahead of her and studied the walls. "It should lead directly under Vosa's church. This was one of the two main entrances when she was in operation."

"This does not seem very accessible." She commented, trailing Shan through the tunnel. 

"I would believe that was point," Shan thought. "Not many came. Not many left."

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