Chapter 11

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Below the cataclysmic skies, Shan remained quiet and peaceful beneath the weight of Barriss' ghostly grasp. The frame of the ancient church creaked and bellowed as the angry storm outside tore through the landscape; the only sound now existing around them. When the glow of the ship's massive engines had finally faded into the clouds, Barriss shifted her eyes away from the the sky and positioned herself in front of Shan, folding her hands delicately across her hips, clasping the tips of her blackened fingernails. 

She drew in a long, gentle breath and held it. "The age of the Empire is finished," she declared. Shan did not respond. "You will soon learn that true power lies not with iron fists, but in the pure hands of those who have been chosen. Chosen to craft a new existence for this galaxy," she dropped to one knee and leveled her eyes with his visor. "The Empire is not the answer, lord Shan. The Empire is simply another Republic. Doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past, because you fear to loose the leaders who brought that doom. And now you will witness the price of your blindness." 

Not expecting a reply, Barriss began to rise to her feet again. But to her surprise, this time Shan gently lifted his head to meet her gaze. His visor slowly tilted upward, nearly touching the tip of Barriss' nose, and the haunting voice spilling from beneath the helmet sent a feverish chill through her face. "I will show you blindness." He whispered heavily. 

Although Barriss could still feel her grip tight around Shan, a noticeable change in energy had undoubtedly occurred. She stole a moment to study him thoroughly. His posture was altered; calm and ready for battle. His aura had also shifted. At first her black magic commanded his submission, yet now it seemed he was fueled by this wave of power. And most troubling of all was his breathing. When she quieted her mind, Barriss could hear the echo of Shan's coarse breath moving the air. Like the rumbling ribcage of a great beast, deep and visceral. A dangerous beast. One she did not wish to awaken.   

Barriss jumped to her feet and stood proudly over Shan once more. "So, you finally decide to address your Queen. Well, while I admire your words, I will--" her voice was abruptly interrupted by the distinct sound of breaking rocks. She instinctively spread into a defensive position, allowing her eyes to move swiftly around the cave, desperately seeking the source of the noise. With another loud crack sounding directly overhead, Barriss arched her neck back just in time to see a large slab of jagged black rock collapsing from the ceiling, falling directly toward her. 

With a disturbed shriek, she leapt backward and collapsed to the ground as the sharp slab speared the stone where she once stood, nearly removing one of legs. As she struggled to her feet, searing pain enveloped her lower body. With horror she discovered several pieces of the rock had punctured her leg, rendering one of her knees almost completely useless. Quickly placing all of her weight on one leg, she leaned her back against the rubble and began to refocus herself.  Her thoughts raced, trying to understand a reason for this unexpected, desperate situation. Searching for more clues, she looked to the ceiling again and examined the fresh hole. It's shape had been perfectly cut--carved even. As if some formidable machine had cut a perfect circle into the rock. With stark shock, she suddenly realized what had transpired. Shan had not simply remained silent to display his defiance, he was meditating. He was concentrating. He was carving. 

In her moment of grandeur and posturing, she had unknowingly let him assume control of the situation, an underestimation she would now pay dearly for. Not only was the move a strategic distraction, but it also broke Barriss' Force focus. The snaking energy of her black magic had evaporated with rattled nerves, and the silence which now proceeded the event was indeed deafening. Though only moments had passed since she hid behind the rubble, Shan had not yet presented himself. Not a footstep taken, not a word spoken. Only the wailing winds and glimmering lightning provided company in this dark space. 

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