Episode 1, Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Force pulse was so strong, it rang out across the entire planetary system of Malastare.

Like a dark bell of silver light, resonating clearly, piercing the veil of stars from all directions, wafting through the sullen skies. The golden clouds floating in a purple haze of dusky light, hung in the atmosphere above the surface of the planet as shards of thick mist. They parted when a sudden surge of energy hit their fluffy bodies, vibrating the ice crystals like singing chimes.

Darth Vader's connection to his new apprentice was strong. It always had been.

This had been so ever since the first day they had met, just two years ago. He would never forget the memory. It became a visceral part of his mind forever. A young, brash fallen Jedi. A former solider of a justice system that had burned in the flames of revolution before his eyes. And in that moment of clarity, he had realized his true fate, as the blood of the Republic manifested his new destiny. He was Cor Shan, Seeker for the Empire.

Of course, Seeker was a new title for a new Empire. Originally, Seekers were only kidnapping tactics utilized by Jedi to justify their actions. But now, as Sidious led his Empire into a bold, uncharted future of control, the Rule of One stood at the helm. With Sidious as the one all-powerful Emperor, Vader was now free to locate, train, and experiment with as many apprentices as he wished. And with Shan as his Seeker, he did so with vigor.

Shan was Vader's newest apprentice, a human only a few years younger than himself, and very special. Shan he been personally moved by Anakin Skywalker's tragic tale, and being a well informed former Jedi, was one of the only people in the entire galaxy who knew of Anakin Skywalker's history. Though he had only known him a short while, Vader felt an undeniable level of respect, and even trust for young Shan, deciding to allow his apparent intelligence to carve his own path through the dark side.

Shan had been particularly interested in Vader's experience with love, and was overcome with emotion whenever his master would share an antidote of his former life, however brief and vague it may have been. Shan became obsessed with the idea of love's ability to control even the most dark spirits in the galaxy. Perhaps it was because he had never experienced whatever love was, but he knew it's power was the key. 

Within a short while, Shan began his own experiments. He devised that if he could allow himself to love, he too could begin to uncover this power. And perhaps, with each love lost, he could become even more powerful than his master. 

At first these were just thoughts, but his path eventually led him to the Force sensitive members of Vader's council: The Inquisitors. And not long after Shan himself had been inducted as one, he began to make his move within the ranks. But upon successfully seducing the Third Sister, he unintentionally alerted Vader to his actions, and the punishment was swift. Shan was beaten almost to death before the eyes of his new lover, refusing to retaliate against his master, and left fighting for his life. But Vader was not finished.

Just as Vader felt Shan about to heave his last breath, he dealt the final blow, igniting his crimson blade with a crack of energy. However, the strike was not directed at Shan. Vader had impaled the Third Sister instead, and with out mercy. As Vader watched with distinguished interest, he commanded Shan to take her life essence from her still living body. With what strength he had left, Shan hovered over her, and placed his lips to hers one last time. In moments, she shriveled like the body of a spider. And Cor Shan had been revived. Renewed. Revitalized. This was the day Vader chose his new apprentice. 

Lord Cor Shan, master of Force Transference. 

Although Vader shared a form of this power with him, Shan's ability was unique. Unlike normal Force Transference, which can allow a person to transfer life to another, Shan could also take life from a person when near death. Willing, or unwilling. And with each breath of their Force he took, the more energy he could meld with his own. For the first time in many years, Vader had felt his shadow heart swell with a paternal pride. His Empire was becoming truly unstoppable. 

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order "Hearts of the Inquisitors" Episode 1Where stories live. Discover now