Chapter 8

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It was impossible to tell day from night in this place. Both here and on the surface. But at least the surface world retained some semblance of planetary activity. An indicator that the universe was still alive, it's heart still beating. Yet here among the infinite tombs, time seemed to stand still. A motionless world of death, darkness and decay. 

All around them, the air was stale and stifling, drenched with the breath of forgotten bodies. With each grave the Second Sister passed, strange thoughts ran through her mind. She wondered who they were, what they had done, what memories they had acquired, and now lost to the spiral of blackness which claimed each one. The thoughts of the dead.

Shan could sense her mind wandering. A strong connection was beginning to grow between them. So much so that her thoughts pricked his mind. Innocent thorns of curiosity encircling a dark flower. "Your thoughts linger." He said, leading the way through the passage.

She paused for a moment to cleanse her racing mind. "Forgive me,"

"No. Let it be," Shan bellowed, moving forward with purpose. "Allow the air to cleanse you. Energy remains in this place."

She could feel a warmth emitting from him now. A strange sensation she had not expected. His intimate tone was piercing, yet inviting. She imagined this moment may be a proper time to discuss what she could not keep inside any longer. "May I," the words locked in her throat, yet her will to inquire overcame her. "May I impose a question on you, my lord?" 

"You may." Shan replied plainly, never breaking his stride. 

"Perhaps it is not the place or time,"" her hesitance was strong. "Yet, I must know something."

"Yes?" Impatience rippled through his response.

She prepared her words. "While I was recovering, the medical droid mentioned something rather odd to me. It has plagued me with questions ever sense."

Shan huffed calmly. "If your mind has been plagued with questions, why did you not ask earlier? You can not allow yourself to be distracted." 

"It was personal, my lord," she retorted timidly. "I feared it would be inappropriate."

"I see." He responded. "Well, do not be afraid to speak now. Your words fall on open ears." He assured.

This notion soothed her. It was a verbal embrace. A comforting invitation to finally release her caged tongue. "Very well," she started. "I wished to inquire about...your actions. The day we escaped the zillow beast."

"I saved you." He replied sharply, as if attempting to end the conversation already. 

"Indeed, you did. And I am forever grateful. However, it is the manner in which I was saved that has been troubling me."

He shifted his head back to glance at her. "Meaning?" 

"It was not the escape that saved my life. I was dead when we reached the surface." 

Shan suddenly halted himself and stood motionless. "Correct." He said.

She drew closer, placing herself directly behind him. "It was...a kiss." The words sustained deep down for all this time had surfaced. She could feel a jolt electricity coursing between them. 

Shan raised his head in surprise, but remained facing forward. "The staff told you this?" He wondered.

"They did."

"And how do you know it was not a lie?" 

She pondered the notion for a short while, searching her feelings. "I believe it," she spoke gingerly. "I know it to be true." With her eyes locked to the back of his helmet, she longed for him to turn and face her. She desired it. 

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order "Hearts of the Inquisitors" Episode 1Where stories live. Discover now