Chapter 12

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                Yeonwoo walked towards a room. "Ouh" her mouth downturned as a sweet metallic pungent pricked her nose. *Smells like blood? Is this some kind of slaughterhouse? * she walked into the room. Blood dripped onto the pool of blood that was already on the floor.

Her mouth quickly covered her mouth, forbidding herself from screaming in horror. Her back met the wall as she walked backward, disbelieve with the sight. Two corpses hung on the ceiling with rope hung from their necks. Fresh wounds were on the corpses chest, suggesting as a result from gunshot.

"Junhee, Donghun..."

She turned away, not dare to look at her already murdered friends hung in front of her. Her breathe was unstable. She was holding back her wail. Yeonwoo braved herself to turn to the corpses again. At the wall behind them was graffiti that read 'MILITARY'. A few cans of spray paint laid carelessly around the wall. Some of them even rolled into the pool of blood.

"How can this happen? Who did this to them?" she whispered to herself. "Military?" her eyes went to the graffiti again. "Yuchan"

A door crack open can be heard. Yeonwoo panicked and looked around. Her eyes darted around to look for a place to hide and spotted a pile of old empty oil drums. She rushed and hid behind them.

A series of footsteps made its way into the room. A shiny metallic gun was in the person's grip.

Yeonwoo cupped her mouth. Tears fell as she closed her eyes in disappointment. *It's Yuchan*

Yuchan stopped in front of his dead friends. He smirked. "Not much left to be done"

*How can he even do this to his friends?!* Yeonwoo thought. *He's a total psychopath!*

She watched as Yuchan walked towards the other side of room, completely out from her view. She leaned back and let out a sigh of relieve of not being caught.

*I should call the cop* her hand still trembling as she reached out to her phone. Her eyes caught a sight of someone's foot in front of her. *Those sneakers look familiar* she made sure Yuchan wasn't watching and rushed to the owner of the leg.

"Sehyoon!" She covered her mouth. Sehyoon was laying on his side, unconscious. His back was facing Yeonwoo. She shook his shoulder.

"Wake up, Sehyoon!" She whispered. Sehyoon didn't make any movement.

*Dont tell me-* she touched his neck. No pulse. Yeonwoo's heartbeat began to race. She pulled the body to lay flat. A new bloody wound was on his heart.

She covered her mouth and turned away. *How can Yuchan do this?! Sehyoon had been always worrying about him but* she blinked tears.

"Aigo Yuchan let's finish this one already" Yuchan's voice talking to himself echoed. Yeonwoo ran to the place she hid earlier. She watched as Yuchan dragged Sehyoon's lifeless body towards the rope area with blood trailed behind.

Yeonwoo held her wail as Yuchan hung the body. *Why do I have to watch my friends die in front of me and I can't do anything about it?! Why is Yuchan doing this?!*

Yuchan stepped back as he wiped the blood on his shirt. He smiled with his head tilted. His eyes landed on each of his friends faces. "Awww~ you guys look so cute when you're asleep...forever" he laughed. His laugh didn't long as his eyes landed on the only left rope hung beside Sehyoon at the ceiling. Yuchan sighed.

"Now only one left. I really don't want to kill this person but this person already learnt everything about my plan. So I can't let her live"

"Jo Yeonwoo"

Yeonwoo gulped as he said her name. *Looks like it's bad idea to come here alone* her hand quickly reached out to her phone. *Wait! Where is it?!* Her phone was not with her.
Yuchan stepped away. She looked around and failed to see any sight of Yuchan. *Where did he go?*
Minutes went by.

*I guess he really left this place. I'm safe!*

A phone was shoved to her face that made her fall backward. It was her phone. And Sungmin was calling.

Yeonwoo looked up from the arm that held the phone to the face.


"Hey, babe" Yuchan smiled his sweetest smile to Yeonwoo. "Even if I didn't see your phone, I knew all along that you are here. You miss me so much that you follow me here?~"

She felt the mixture of shock and terrified to death on the same time. She couldn't reply. Yuchan chuckled. "I must have shock you. Sorry" he held out his hand as he kept the phone in her pocket. She just stared at his hand.

"Come on. You know you can't disobey me now, right? I won this game so you should listen to me. Don't you think so?"

Yeonwoo accepted his hand and Yuchan helped her to stand. *Please, someone help me!*

"Come! I need to show you this" he pulled her to follow him. They stood in front of the bodies of their friends.

"Owh you probably already see this but yea" he chuckled. "I still want to show you. It's beautiful, right?"

Yeonwoo couldn't hold her tears. Her shoulder shuddered as she sobbed. Yuchan wrapped his arm around her waist from her back and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I finally completed what I always dream of. You know about this plan of mine right? Come on. Congratulate me! I'm so happy right now"

" can..." she tried to voice her sobs.

"And that" he pointed to the rope beside Sehyoon. "Is your place. You like it?"

Yeonwoo sobbed harder. "Yuchan-ah. Let's just stop"

"Aww~" he caressed her head. "I know you'll like that place"

"But you know what" he yawned. "I'm too tired right now. Maybe later after I take a nap. All this shooting and hanging is tiring to do alone" he pulled her to another room.

Yeonwoo saw his sketch book and pencils laying around, just like he used to be. Sweet memories hit her and she cried silently again. Yuchan followed her view.

"Did you miss me drawing you picture?" He chuckled. "Sorry but that's all in the past. I don't draw to release my stress anymore. You know killing someone feels far better"

He sat on the couch there. Finally, he let her hand go. Yeonwoo stood there, facing the ground, knowing she couldn't do anything to escape anymore. Yuchan took out his gun and played with it between his fingers.

"Please, Yuchan, you can't do this to me. I know you're not mean to do this. Listen, we can fix this. I can help you. Whatever that is in your mind"

"Believe me, Yeonwoo" he held the nozzle to her body. His finger on the trigger. "I can and will kill you"

A blow from the firearm echoed through the area. Blood spilled beneath the now lifeless Yeonwoo.

* * *

"A murder involving 4 citizen yesterday was discovered by police. The deceased are Lee Donghun, 25, Park Junhee, 24, Kim Sehyoon and Jo Yeonwoo, 23. Police managed to caught the murderer Lee Yuchan, 23 while he was trying to hang his girlfriend just like he did to the other. Yuchan is arrested-"

Sungmin turned off the radio in the taxi he was riding. The driver glanced at him. "Going to someone's funeral?"

"Yes" "Your family?" "Those people who were just mentioned in the radio"

End: 18 June (02:06)

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