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Billy and I made idle chit-chat as we waited for Bella and Jacob to finish up what they were doing. When they were done, Bella and I loaded into the truck and I drove us home. "You can't tell Charlie about the bikes." Bella told me. "He'll freak out." I was about to say something but Bella started to speak before I could. "Look, I know that you and dad have fought Monsters on the regular, but I didn't inherit any of those Demi-Godly abilities."

"Bella, Dad never fought." I told her, glancing at Bella as I continued to drive. "He's nothing like his siblings. Dad was more strategic, he planed battles more than fought him, his battle formations is what saved us during the summer. I'm a fighter, Dad isn't. You..." I sighed. "You did get Demigod abilities, the strength of will and determination. You're just lucky you didn't inherit the ADHD or Dyslexia, it's so bad." Bella and I shared a laugh. "I won't tell Dad about the bikes, so long as you don't leave me at school anymore."

"Deal." I smiled as we continued home. I pulled into the driveway soon after, Dad wasn't home, so Bella and I joined forces to cook dinner. We were just pulling the fried chicken out of the pan and laying it on paper towels to cool and allow the oil to drip off it.

"Hey dad." Bella greeted, glancing back at the door as our father walked in. Dad paused, not expecting the cheerful response.

"Welcome home dad." I added.

"Hey girls." Dad greeted cautiously. "Did you have fun with Jacob?"

"Yeah, I did." Bella told him as we started to move the food to the dining table.

"Well, that's good. What did you two do?"

"I hung out in his garage and watched him work. Did you know he's rebuilding a Volkswagen?"

"Yeah, I think Billy mentioned that. What about you, Aspen? What did you do?"

"I caught up with Billy." I told him. "He's gonna call a meeting of the Elders to discuss the Battle of Manhattan." Dad nodded, and wasn't able to respond as we all started to eat. After that, we cleared away the plates, washed up and then did our homework in the lounge room with Dad as he watched a hockey game. After Dad declared it was getting late, we packed up and headed off to bed.


"You're far from home..." A voice whispered. I looked around in the darkness, trying to find where it was coming from, but it was coming from everywhere. My heart was pounding, I hated the dark. "You're by yourself...did your friends abandon you?"

"Who are you!" I screamed. "Show yourself!" The wind picked up around my ankles and the dirt swirled into a spiral in front of me on the floor. I stepped back as a face lifted from the ground. She was beautiful, even with her eyes closed. Her mouth was closed but her voice could be heard throughout the darkness.

"I have respect for children of the Earth...Daughter of Persephone. Join me...Together...Together we can rule the world."

"No!" I clutched my head. "I won't betray my family!"

"Verry well...then you shall die! You shall become a sacrifice to the Goddess of the Earth!" Black crept in the corners of my vision...


...and I snapped upright in bed with a scream. I could feel tears running down my cheeks, my heart was hammering in my chest and my breath was coming out in short pants. I pulled my sheets up to my face and sobbed into them. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was one in the morning. I took a shaky breath, and realising that I wasn't going to be sleeping again, I decided to get ready for the day. I had a shower, changed into black leggings and a flowy white shirt. I stripped my bed, shoving the sheets into the washing machine. I grabbed the last of my homework to finish before tomorrow. I turned on the kitchen light and got stuck into the work. I jumped when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Dad gazing down at me with a small frown. He was already dressed for the day. "Aspen? How long have you been up?" He asked softly.

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