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Spring Break rolled around on us quicker than anticipated. Usually, by this time, I would be on a plane to Long Island heading back to Camp. However, during the last weekend before school break, I received an IM. The boys were out doing patrol, and Bella was at work, so I was with Emily, whipping up a feast for everyone. I was opening the avocadoes when a shimmering rainbow appeared next to me. "Aspen!" My hand jerked, the avocado slipped from my hand and the knife sliced a line through my palm.

"Gods damn it!" I cursed, clutching my wrist. I turned to see Annabeth with wide eyes. "Beth, what in Hades!" Emily had heard my curse and turned on the tap for me to rinse the blood away. I looked back to my palm to see the water turning red, though due to the fact I was technically three-thirds God, it was tinted gold.

"I'll go get the first aid kit." Emily said as she started to walk off.

"Uh, my bag, there's a pocket with little crushed-up squares, just bring that!" I called to her. I then turned to Annabeth. "What's happening, Annabeth?" From what I could tell, the daughter of Athena looked as if she had run a mile, she looked exhausted. Annabeth went on to explain what had happened since I left after the Battle of Manhattan. Percy had gone missing, and she had brought three new Demigods to Camp Half-Blood. Piper, the daughter of Aphrodite and Leo, the son of Hephaestus. The other Demigod's name was Jason, and he was a Roman demigod, the son of Jupiter and was Thalia's long-lost brother. She explained that the new Great Prophecy was unfolding. Leo was building a ship to take himself, Jason, Piper, Annabeth and Coach Hedge to the Roman Demigod camp in California. "Oh no..." I trailed off.

"Yeah." Annabeth sighed. "It's bad, but, we're gonna get this done. What's been going on with you?"

"Well." I chuckled. "Lady Dirt Face visited me all the way out here in Forks. I'm ok, I'm safe, this is a Monster Dead Zone so I'm not being attacked, but I'm keeping up my training if something comes up here." Emily then appeared at my side with some ambrosia. I took a quick bite of it and smiled at the taste. "Thanks, Em." I turned back to Annabeth. "I'll be ready, if you need me, IM me."

"I don't think we will, but I'll keep that in mind, thank you. Stay in Forks for Spring Break, you're already there, we need people in reserve, and you deserve the break, Aspen."

"Ok." I nodded at the blonde. "I'll stay put."

"I'll let you go, I'll contact you later."

"Alright, Beth, see you soon." Annabeth cut her hand through the IM and disconnected the call.

Spring Break consisted of a routine

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Spring Break consisted of a routine. Wake up, eat, head to La Plush, hang with Emily and the Pack, patrol, the usual. At one point, Sam caught Victoria's scent, so we raced to follow it. However, about halfway through the run, Sam paused, as did everyone else. "What is it?" I asked. "Guys?" My question was answered when two new howls echoed through the forest. I turned to the sound. The Pack started towards the sound, and I followed after them. I was extremely thankful that I had my phone on me, because I got a call from Billy Black...saying that Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and was in the hospital...not only that...Leah and Seth had phased. "I'm going to head to the Clearwaters." I reported to them. "Go to the hospital!"

I raced to the Clearwater which the back door was torn off it's hinges and a massive hole where I'm assuming Leah and Seth ran out from. I neared the hole and checked out the damage, and luckily my tracking was pretty good so I managed to follow the debris through the forest, only to see a sandy-fured wolf whimpering, cowering against a small grove of trees, and a silver wolf pacing angrily, barking and letting out loud snarls. "Hey." I called softly. Two heads snapped towards me. "Seth?" The sandy-wolf lifted it's head. "Leah?" I turned to the silver wolf, who averted their eyes. "It's ok." I assured. "This is scary, yeah? Come on, let's...lets get you back home, ok? n d then we can get you human." The two looked at each other, and then back to me, nodding. I smiled. "Great, come on." I gestured for the duo to follow me. They did as I lead them through the forest, following the path I did before to return back to the Clearwater home. When we did, I turned it back to the duo. "You can head back inside your house." I said, glancing between the two. "Just uh, call when you're ready." I turned away as Seth and Leah headed into their house.

"Aspen!" Seth called. "We're ready for you." I turned around and headed into the house. However, as I entered the kitchen, ignoring the destroyed couch, my eyes met Leah's, and I froze. My heart sped up, and my cheeks flushed. I saw Leah's eyes widen as well, her mouth dropping open.

"I, uh..." I cleared my throat. "This is something I can't exactly explain myself, I don't have any right to do so." As I spoke, I kept on glancing to Leah, who was gazing at me with an expression I can't explain. "But...I can tell you my story." I then went on to do so. Explaining that the ancient myths of Greek and Roman origin were real, and what the most recent events were, with Kronos and all that followed.

"Woah..." Seth trailed off. "That's so cool."

"It's not cool." Leah scolded. "It's dangerous!" She turned to me. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I assured. "It was war, there's not much you can do about that." My phone then dinged, and I pulled it up. I sighed. "Did you guys want to go to the Hospital?" I looked to the Clearwater siblings. Leah looked down. "You don't have to, Sam, the Elders, and my dad are all there with your mum." I looked around. "Or, we can start with repairs?"

"I think the repairs will distract us." Seth admitted. "We did do some damage." I smiled.

"Alright then." I said, standing. "You guys get the couch out, and start moving the debris, and we'll go from there, yeah?" The two nodded. Once that was done, we started to tarp up the massive hole in the back wall. "Did you want me to leave?" I asked.

"No." Leah blurted. "I mean...its late, and I don't want you to go home in the dark.""Ok." I said. "You two can head to bed, get some rest, today's been...todays been big." The two nodded, and slowly headed to bed, though I could feel a pair of eyes on me for a bit. I let out a sigh. The next couple of days were going to be tortuous, with Harry passing, and Victoria, and who knows what. 

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