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"This is from Jake." I told Bella one afternoon, dropping a folded-up note in front of Bella as I returned home from the rez.

"Jake?" Bella scrambled to grab the paper. "Did he say anything?"

"He wants you to stop sending him messages." I told her, heading into the kitchen. "And I want you to stop using me as the go-between, I have bigger things to worry about, Bella." I pulled Dad's hand back as he tried to start the microwave. I opened the device and took the sauce can out. "Dad, I have pre-made sauce in the freezer." I muttered. I put the sauce aside and opened the freezer, grabbed out a Chinese food container and cracked the lid open, sliding it into another pot, sliding it onto another burner and turning it on. "Stir the noodles once in a while." I handed Dad a spoon and went to head downstairs to my room. I came upstairs after some time wearing my workout clothes and noticed Bella and Dad sitting at the table.

"Can you come sit with us Aspen?" Dad asked,

"But, I was going to-" I started.

"Aspen, please." Dad sighed. I frowned a little, sitting with my family.

"So, what do you need Dad?" Bella asked.

"Well, it's about Jacob." Dad admitted.

"What about him?" Bella's voice turned stern.

"Easy, Bells, I know you're still upset that he told on you, but it was the right thing. He was being responsible."

"Responsible." Bella scoffed. "Right, so what about Jacob?"

"Don't get mad, ok?"


"It's about Edwed too." Bella's eyes narrowed. "I let him in the house, don't i?"

"You do. For brief periods of time."

"More than he should." I muttered, looking away. Bella shot me a glare.

"Of course, you might let me out of the house for brief periods of time now and then too."

"Well, that's where I was heading with this." Dad then grinned, and I narrowed my eyes at Dad's smile. This wasn't his regular grin. This was a 'I'm your dad, I have a great idea and it'll be amazing' smile.

"What is with that smile?" I asked him. "You're not easing any of my worries."

"I'm confused, Dad." Bella admitted. "Are we talking about Jacob, or Edward, or me being grounded?"

"Sort of all three." Dad said.

"And how do they relate?"

"And why do I have to be here for this?" I added.

"Ok, so I'm thinking maybe you deserve parole for good behaviour. For a teenager, you are amazingly non-whiney."

"Seriously?" Bella demanded. "I'm free."

"Conditionally." Dad lifted a finger.


"Bella, this is more of a request than a demand, ok? And this is how it includes you too, Aspen." Dad took a breath. "You're free, Bella, but I'm hoping you'll use that freedom...judiciously."

"What does that mean?" Bella asked.

"I know you're satisfied with spending all of your time with Edward-"

"I spend time with Alice too."

"That's true. But you have other friends besides the Cullens, Bella. Or...you used to. When was the last time you spoke to Angela Weber?" Dad asked.

"Friday at lunch. Aspen was nowhere to be seen." Bella glared at me.

"For your information, I was in the bathroom, IMing one of my friends who has been missing for the past six months." I spat. "He's alive and well if you were wondering."

"Girls." Dad said sternly, cutting into the conversation. "When did you last see Angela outside of school?"

"I haven't seen anyone outside of school, Dad." Bella reminded him. "Grounded. And Angela has a boyfriend now too. She's always with Ben. If I'm really free, maybe we can double."

"Ok, but then...you and Jake used to be joined at the hip, and now-"

"Can you get to the point, Dad?" Bella interrupted. "What's your condition, exactly?"

"I don't think you should dump all your other friends for your boyfriend, Bella."

"Aspen dumps everyone for Leah!"

"But I hang out with more people than just her brother." I put in. "Besides, Leah and I aren't dating!"

"It's not nice." Dad jumped in, getting the conversation back on track. "And, Bella, I think your life would be better balanced if you kept some other people in it. What happened last summer..." Bella flinched. "Well, if you had more of a life outside of Edward Cullen, it might not have been like that."

"It would have been exactly like that." Bella muttered.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"The point?"

"Use your new freedom to see your other friends too, keep it balanced."

"Balance is good. Do I have specific quotas to fill, though?"

"I don't want to make this complicated. Just don't forget your friends...particularly Jacob."

"Jacob might be difficult." Bella said.

"The Blacks are practically family, Bella. And Jacob has been a very, very good friend to you."

"I know that."

"Don't you miss him at all?"

"Yes, I do miss him...I miss him a lot." Bella admitted.

"Then why is this difficult?" Dad asked.

"Because the line has been drawn." I said, crossing my arms. "She's chosen the Vampires, I chose the Wolves."

"That's not it." Bella said. "With Jacob, there is a...conflict. A conflict about the friendship thing...I mean, friendship doesn't seem to be enough for Jake."

"What, old Eddie boy's scared of a little healthy competition?" Bela glared at me.

"There no competition." She hissed.

"Do you know how much Leah complains about Jake's inner monologue?" I shifted to face Bella. "He is...Gods, you're torturing him Bella."

"I'm torturing him?"

"You're telling him that he can't be near you because he's not content with being your friend. But that's all he wants. He wants to be your friend! Can't you get that through your thick skull?" I tapped my own temple for emphasis.

"Like you're any better." Bella retorted. "You don't do anything except go to work and the Rez!"

"At last I talk to people with different last names." I snapped. "You know what, I'm sleeping over at the Clearwaters." I stood and stormed downstairs. I grabbed my premade bag and hurried upstairs again.

"Oh yeah, just run away, just like you always have." Bella said to me.

"I have never, ever run away in my life." I snarled, rounding on my sister. "I have always, always run toward everything. I joined a dangerous Quest to save the Goddess Artemis even though I knew that having more than 3 people was suicide. I chose to hold up the literal sky so that Artemis herself could aid in the fight against the Titan Atlas and we had a chance to win. I fought in a war and saw my friends...my family die. I got hurt, really bad, and I still get nightmares. And now, I'm trying not to lose my mind because we're on the brink of another war. I am doing everything in my power to keep you and Dad and everyone safe. So can you just back off." I stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

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