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Jean's POV:

I walked out of the room with my phone in hand, going and sitting down next to Emily on the couch.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask, setting my phone on my lap, "We can watch a movie?" Every word I spoke was hesitant, not wanting to set off something if I annoy her too much.

"Yeah, I'd like that," my body instantly relaxed as she responded.  I knew at this point, I could pull my arm around her, so I did.  She leaned into my shoulder, grabbing the remote from her side, "What do you want to watch?"

"You can pick, but I'm not in the mood for horror if that's alright, Emma."  I had multiple nicknames for the woman, calling her a variety of names at different points in our lives.  Em, Emma, and babe were my favorites.  

"Yeah, aren't you hungry though?"  She asked and poked at my stomach, "You probably haven't eaten since your lunch break..."

I chuckled at the ticklish feeling I got when she poked me, falling in love with her all over again.  "I'm okay, I'd rather be here with you."

She smiled up at me before turning her gaze back to the television screen, putting on a random movie to watch.

It was moments like these that helped me forget about how rude and distasteful she can be sometimes.  The good outweighs the bad in my opinion... one good moment we share over takes the handful of bad ones.

I looked over at her for a second, seeing she is on her phone and not paying any attention to the movie.

Good, it is kind of boring...

At that moment, my phone vibrated from my lap, instantly wondering if it was Marco.

I grabbed it and pressed the button on the side to power the screen on, checking my notifications.

There was nothing besides a Snapchat photo from Connie and a message in the group chat I have with him.  The chat consists of Connie, Sasha, and Niccolo, who are all college friends.

Connie was my roommate in college and Sasha was his best friend.  Niccolo being Sasha's boyfriend who I hope get engaged sooner rather than later.

I decided to leave the message unread, wanting to spend some time with my girl.

That is until another notification popped up right before I was about to set down my phone.  It was a message from an unsaved number in my phone, knowing who it could be.

Unsaved Number:

'Hey, Jean, it's Marco from Little Vines Plant Store!  Did you still want some information on the Rattlesnake Plant?  I've got plenty!'

I smiled to myself at his message, saving the number in my phone as 'Marco - Plant Dad' so I could remember where he was from and how I know him in case I forgot.

I responded, typing with one hand so my other arm could continue holding Em's shoulder.


'Hey, Marco. How was the rest of your night? Must have been a long shift... Anyways, I would love more information! I'm a new plant parent and need all the help I can get.'

Why are being so formal?  Maybe because we just met each other.  It might change if we continue to talk.

I set my phone back down on my lap, turning my gaze back onto the television.

My stomach started to growl, the deep sounds disturbing Emily.

"Babe, you should really go get something to eat... I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was going out with my friend for dinner."  She took her head off my shoulder and sat up straight, setting her phone down and looking at me.  Those perfect emerald green eyes have always driven me insane.

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now