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Marco's POV:

It's been about two months since I met Jean's dad.  My next encounter with him will be today.  Today is also the day that I meet Jean's sister and her finance, husband by the end of the day.  

"Babe, can you come check my tie?"  I called out to my boyfriend who was also getting ready for the wedding.  

"Yeah, one sec," he called back from my room while I was in the bathroom, fixing the light green bow tie around my neck.  I leaned in towards the mirror, trying my best to see if it's straight.  "Hey, let me see," I watched Jean walk into the bathroom through the mirror.  I turned to him and he helped me fix it.  

I then helped him do the same, fixing his matching bow tie.  "It brings out the green in your eyes," I mentioned, swiping down his suit jacket to straighten it out on his body.  "You look great," I smiled once again to him.  

"You do too," he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.  "I can't wait to take it off of you later," he added with a whisper in my ear.  

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off, not letting his words go straight to my dick.  

"We have to leave," I stated, pushing passed him.  

"We have twenty minutes, we can do something~"  He responded quickly, "I miss the feeling of your lips around me."  

"Shut up,"  I grabbed my keys from the counter, Jean making his way into the kitchen as well.  "I need to meet your sister and make a good impression."  

"You won't see her until after the ceremony."  

"And?  I'd rather be early than late, you horny fucker," I joked with him, hitting him softly on his shoulder.  

"I might be a horny fucker, but I'm only that for you, Marco," he raised a brow at me, knowing he has been defeated.  

"Later, I promise," I made a deal with him before we exited my apartment and made our way to his car.  

He drove to the where the wedding was being held - a small, family gathering with wooden chairs and some table decor or light green and lavender purple.  It was held right on the lake shore, a priest awaiting the bride and the groom.  

Jean and I made our way to the chairs and took a seat on the 'bride' side of the aisle and awaited the ceremony to start.  

He and I caught ourselves in some small talk.  Thankfully, he refrained from any more horny remarks.  

If he would've, he and I would find ourselves somewhere private...

Then, the people who are in the wedding started to enter, going up to their designated posts with the priest in the middle.  Who I could assume was the groom took his place on the left side of the man right before the music started.  

And of course, I started to feel giddy as I saw Jean's sister make her way from the small parking lot, coming down the makeshift aisle to the music with her father at her side.  Happiness erupted in my stomach when I saw how beautiful she was.  How happy she was.  

The ceremony went by quickly, too quick.  I found myself crying at the vows, finding it so genuine.  

I hope Jean and I can share a moment like this.  

After the ceremony, I met Sophie and her new husband.  I instantly loved them, happy to call myself a family friend.  Jean's dad and I even caught up since the last time I saw him.  

Sophie and I instantly bonded when we met, acting as if we've been friends for years.  I could see her becoming a good friend, a good person to go to.  I liked her a lot.  

"When are you due?"  I asked, wanting to make conversation when it went quiet.

"Two months," she responded with a smile, rubbing her hand over stomach.  "We want to be surprised about the gender, but their name will be Avery."  


Jean's POV:

Three years have passed since my sisters wedding.  Marco and I moved into an apartment together and have been living together for the past two and a half years.  Sophie now has a family with her husband Lucas, her daughter Avery, and her son, Frankie.  Avery is just turning three and Frankie is a little more than 3 months old.   

Marco and I are the designated babysitters for the night.  Sophie and Lucas are spending their three year anniversary alone on a date night and asked us to watch the kids.  Naturally, Marco and I said yes.  

As of now, they were on their way and Marco was running around frantically, trying to baby proof our apartment.  Kay was following him around, making this all that more amusing.  

"You know they won't do anything.  As long as we keep our eye on them, it'll be okay..."  I tried to relax my boyfriend, but it was failing.  

"Jean, what if one of their kids dies on our watch?!"  

"Marco, that won't happen," I chuckled, watching him put things away and out of reach.  "It's not like we're going to leave them to fend for themselves."  

"Avery and Frankie are so small, you never know what's going to happen..."

Just as I was about to say something to try and calm him more, the doorbell rang.  

"Come in," I called out, wanting to continue watching Marco go frantic.  Sadly, he calmed down and gained his composure as the family walked in.  Avery was holding Lucas's hand and Sophie was carrying Frankie.  

Avery was a curious being, going straight up to Marco and calling him uncle.  I smiled at his reaction.  She handed him her doll and he started playing with her immediately.  He took a seat on the floor in front of her as she showed him every little thing about the doll.  

"Thank you so much again, Jean," my sister took me from my thoughts, handing me Frankie.  "Do you mind if I get his bottle ready really fast?  I just need water..."  

"Go for it," I took Frankie from her hands, sitting down on the couch and rocking the small child in my arms.  I watched as Lucas and Sophie made their way into the kitchen, leaving Marco and the kids in the living room. 

I adjusted my position so I was sitting on the floor with the other two, leaning up against the couch with the small child in my hands.  I focused on Marco and Avery, who were playing with the doll together.  Then, I noticed he was trying to get her to pronounce words.  

"Can you say, 'absolutely incredible?'"  Marco asked.

"Absolutly incrediboo," she responded with a wave of her doll.





Wow, he's so amazing with kids...  

He and Avery kept going with random difficult words while I got lost in thought, watching them.  

He is so good with her, this is how he would be if we had kids.  I now began imagining him, playing with our own daughter if we had one.  He would be so amazing with her... He would love and cherish her so well.  I began imagining late nights of playing with dolls, doing her hair, playing tea-party...

"Marco, marry me," I asked out of the blue, taking myself and him by surprise. 

I heard him clear his throat and then it hit me what I actually asked.

"Oh my god, that's not how I wanted to ask that question, I had so much planned... I wanted to make it so much more-"

"Yes," Marco was smiling wide.  

"...What?"  It was my turn to clear my throat, the nerves still surging through my body.

"I will marry you, Jean," I smiled when he crawled over and kissed me gently, "I've been waiting for this."  

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now