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Marco's POV:

"Good morning!"  I happily exclaimed into the empty building filled with plants, turning on the lights after I locked the door behind me.  "It's been all weekend since I've seen you!"

I walked further into the building, inhaling the scent of wet soil.  I made my way over to the gate where the inside section meets with the outside area, unlocking it and opening it up.  I then counted the register drawer and made sure everything was in tip-top shape before creating opening logs so my boss knows I did everything.  

Then, just as I was about to close the drawer and go open up the shop for guests to visit, a small bumblebee landed on the counter in front of me.  

"A friend!"  I smiled at it, examining it as it rested there.  "You can chill here for the day if you'd like," I watched its wings stay stagnant, crawling over a little bit.  

I pulled my lips into a smile again before finding my way to the door and unlocking it, changing the sign to 'open.'

I found watering cans and filled two of them up.  One with just regular water and one with fertilizer water, knowing which plants get which at the start of the day.  

The task of watering all of the plants in the shop was tedious and it took hours, but I didn't mind it.  The worst part about it was having to stop the job when a guest comes in and there is only one person on staff.  

Luckily, today doesn't seem bad and it was a really nice weekend with Jean, so that left me in a good mood to start the day.  

Within two hours, the entire shop was watered and not a single guest had come in yet.  My phone was in my pocket, so I decided to check it.  My boss doesn't care for things like that as long as we meet our goals and take care of the plants.  He's super relatable and easy to along with, him being around the same age as I was.  Well, as all the staff was.  

Unfortunately, I was alone all day until later in the afternoon when Armin came in.  I was in classes with him before I graduated, but he hasn't had the luxury yet.  

He was still in school and one of his classes ran late during the week.  He's a history major, but we had an art history class together that he wanted to take as an extra.

Taking me from my thoughts, my phone pinged in my hands, seeing as it was Jean who texted me.

Loverboy <3:

J: 'Hey, something happened at work today and I won't be able to come over tonight.  I'm sorry.'

Worry grew around my body, a harsh feeling in my chest as I read the message.


M: 'Is everything okay?  I can call you then I get off and we can talk if you want.  I'm here if you need anything.'

He didn't respond, so I figured he just took time out of his work to text me.   I was going to type something else, but the bell rang on the door, signalling someone has walked in.  I instantly set my phone under the counter, greeting who it was.

"Hey, welcome i-"  

My stomach dropped when I saw who it was, the unfamiliar feeling of anxiety began rushing through my body.  I swallowed hard at the tall man who wore a black turtle neck, his friendly green eyes not making contact with mine yet as his hair fell over his forehead.  

Bertholdt, what the hell are you doing here?

"Hey," my ex-boyfriend smiled at me, walking right up to the other side of the counter.  

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now