Purple Lights

545 28 48

Jean's POV:

My phone was ringing in my hand, all I could do was stare at it.

"I'm going to step outside," I calmly spoke to Marco, which he acknowledged with a nod.  

I took hesitant and wobbly steps to the front hallway outside the door of the apartment.  I didn't feel the effect of the alcohol as much as I did a few seconds ago.  Emily honestly scared it out of me.  I brought the phone up to my ear after accepting the call.

"What took you so long to answer?"  Emily didn't even wait for me to greet her.

"I was stepping away from my friend so I could have some time to talk to you," I replied with a lie, I really just didn't want him to hear our fight.  

"Why aren't you home yet?  You said you would be back in the middle of the night.  It's almost one in the morning, Jean."  

It's almost one in the morning?  How did time go by that quickly?

"I'll be honest with you, Em, I'm gonna have to sleep here."

"Have you been drinking?  What the fuck, Jean?  You told me you stopped."

Try to stay calm, try to stay calm...  "I didn't have much, I just don't feel comfortable driving home now.  I'll be there by morning, okay?"  

"This is why you quit drinking, you can't ever take care of your responsibil-"

"I stopped because you forced me to!"  I cut her off by yelling.  "Just like how you forced me to leave tonight and now all of a sudden you're screeching at me because I'm not home?!  Make up your fucking mind, woman!"  This was one of the first times I allowed myself to yell back at her instead of taking the blame for nearly everything.  It felt good in the moment, not so good afterwards.  

Nice one.  

"I'll see you in the morning, Jean."  

She hung up before I could say anything else.  At least she's allowing me back to the apartment that I pay for.  

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone deep into my pocket again, just wanting to feel that hot alcohol coat my throat again.  I knew I've had enough, so that wasn't an option.

I knocked on the door before entering again, just letting him know that I was coming in.  

"How was it?"  He asked as soon as he made eye contact with me, petting his cat that was on the counter.  The white cat looked at me and immediately began hissing, arching it's back while the hair stood up.  "Kay, stop!"  He grabbed the cat and put her into his arms, trying to hush her.  But, she continued to hiss at me, angry at something.  "I'm so sorry, she hasn't been like this with anyone.  She's usually so sweet..."

"It's okay," I looked at the cat in his arms, going back to my originally spot across the counter from him and leaning on it with my arms crossed in front of me.  He allowed the cat jump out of his arms and onto the floor, running out of the room.  "Marco, this is a lot to ask, but can I stay here tonight?"  I shifted my eyes to his, asking the question I really didn't want to be asking.

"Of course, Jean.  I kind of expected it when you started drinking with me," he laughed.  "But, just a warning, I have to get up super early in the morning.  I have a photographers panel to go to.  I'm speaking on a new camera that was just released..."

"Then why are we up so late drinking?"  I smirked at the man, excited for him that he had this opportunity.  

"I'm nervous," he started, looking away from me, "and you're stressed.  So, why not share a drink?"   

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now