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Jean's POV:

I rubbed my eyes before slowly opening them and stretching, "Hm?"  My mouth was dry from last night, and my mind felt a bit foggy.   

"Your phone has been vibrating like crazy, you might want to answer it..."

"Shit!"  I took my phone from my pocket, surprised it didn't wake me up.  "Did it wake you?  I'm so sorry!"  

He laughed at me, "No, I was getting up to make breakfast for us but then your phone started buzzing, and it hasn't stopped for a while now."

I felt at ease when he said it didn't wake him, "Okay, good."  

He smiled and left the room again, the aroma of bacon meeting my nose while I unlocked the phone screen.  

Wow, I really have to change my background.  I eyed the photo of Emily and I, anger seeping into my body when I remembered yesterdays events. 

I was about to start going through my notifications when my dad's caller ID popped up on screen, already knowing what this is going to be about.  

I stayed in my position on Marco's bed, pulling the phone up to my ear as I accepted the call.

"Morning, dad."  

"Jean, when were you going to tell me that you broke Emily's heart?"  He started off stern, not even asking my point of view of what happened.

"I'm guessing she didn't tell you, then."  

"Tell me what?  You guys were going to get married and have my grandchildren!  She was such a sweetheart, you two were made for each other!"  

"She cheated on me, dad.  I walked in on her fucking my coworker yesterday."  


"Shes's been cheating on me for years according to him.  We might have been 'made for each other,'" I mocked him, "but she broke that when she started sleeping with another man."

He went silent for a moment, she definitely didn't tell him.

"What would your mom think?"  

"What?  Excuse me, she didn't even know Emily."  

"You guys made a promise to each other when you engaged, don't break that promise over something so silly."  

My dad never saw things the way my mom and I saw things.  Her and I were more emotional, while my dad was more of the kind of guy who puts those things aside.  

"Are you serious?"  I wanted to yell, but I'm so tired of yelling.  

"Emily is such a perfect young lady, she made a mistake...  You should really apologize to her, there was probably a reason why she cheated..."

"No.  I'm not apologizing to her for loving her while she went off with someone else.  Bye, dad."

I hung up on him and shook my head, furious that she had the audacity to call him and not even tell him the truth.  Next thing I know, my sister is going to call me and complain as well. 

I checked my other missed text messages, seeing as my dad tried to call me five other times before I picked up.  He texted me a bunch too, trying to get me to answer.  But, I ignored them and opened the messages from Connie.



'I'm at the hotel now!'  

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now