Bubbly Part 2 !!NSFW!!

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Marco's POV:

The look of shock on Jean's face caused a laugh to escape my throat.  

"What?"  His hands stopped in place on my ass, no longer trailing along my body.  Even though the only light illuminating the area was the kitchen light shining over to the living room, it was evident he had a slight tint to his cheeks.  

"Yeah?"  I smirked at him, staring down at his lips.  I was honestly too confident for my own good at this point.  "I can feel how excited that made you," I moved my hips along his erection prodding at my underside.  "You're a whore for me, aren't you, Jean?"  The words left my mouth slowly.  Half of them I didn't even realize were said until they were out of my mouth.  

"Holy shit, Marco," he responded to my movements.  His hands moved up to my waist and guided me to do more.  "Fuck me," he whispered, staring at me with lidded eyes.  "I want it.  I want to feel you."  

I nodded as I mumbled, "Take over."  

Almost as if he read my mind, he pushed me off and let me adjust myself so I was now sitting on the couch.  He climbed on top of me, completely reversing our positions.

Wow, I didn't expect this...

"You like that?"  He grabbed my wrists and held tightly onto them, pinning them to the head cushion on either side of my head.  His nose pressed to mine as he stared into my eyes.  "I can do more, Marco," his hips started moving along mine.  He rubbed his ass over my covered erection as if he knew what to do.  

"Jean, oh my god," I mumbled as my eyes rolled back, shivers going up my spine.  

"You won't last long, will you~?"  My boyfriend teased.  Before I could respond, he connected our lips together in a heated kiss.  I couldn't even process what was going on until I felt his tongue start to dance with mine.  

He stopped just to take off his own shirt.  As he unbuttoned it, I took mine off and threw it to the side.  

I just know the living room is going to be a mess in the morning...

My hands that were now unpinned ran up his sides.  He kept fumbling with his buttons, prolonging the task.  I took the opportunity to connect my lips with his collarbone, kissing and dragging my tongue across his skin that I knew was mine.

This is different.

I liked my hands being on his body that was on top of mine.  It felt empowering.  

"Mmm, right there," he moaned softly, his sounds becoming a bit more girlish.  When his shirt was finally off, his hands tangled in my hair.  He guided me along his skin.  His head tilted back in a way that drove me insane, his adams-apple being more prominent and his facial hair caught the light perfectly.  

Fuck, he's so hot like this.  

"Marco," he took in a gasp when I bit down on a spot that reacted to before.  I couldn't help but to smile along the new found mark, the feeling of confidence surging through my veins.  

My hands ran along the skin of his sides and chest, rubbing across his nipples.  He shivered under my fingers, a gentle moan escaping his throat.  

"Oh?"  A smirk pulled at my lips.  I was happy that I found something he unknowingly enjoyed.  I connected my mouth with his chest, placing sloppy and wet kisses all over his toned upper body.  I hummed the moment my mouth connected with the smaller, erect bud, swirling my tongue around it.  

"Fuck, I didn't know I liked this," his head threw back, holding onto my hair with both of his hands.  The more my tongue flicked, the more the gasps and soft moans escaped his lips.  

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now