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Marco's POV:

Soon after Jean and I made that deal, I went to bed.  All through the night, I kept wondering if I would have said yes, what would have happened?  

Kay slept by my side, the soft scent of Jean's cologne was still on the left side of my bed from the night before.  I would be lying if I said I didn't use that pillow, dreaming of the ash-haired man.  

I woke up relatively early like I normally do, hearing the sound of the shower.

He must be getting ready for work...

I stretched as I got off my bed, waking up Kay in the process.  

"Let's go make him breakfast," I spoke to my fur-friend, watching her stretch on the bed before pouncing off, leading the way.

When I left my room, I was still in my pajamas.  The good thing about working a retail job is that I don't have to go in until later, the store not even opening until 11am.  I also normally don't work Mondays either, so it's a day off for me.

The smell of food coated the insides of my nose as I entered the living room, soon seeing a small plate of pancakes waiting for me.  I smiled instantly, seeing a small note next to the plate under the silverware.  


I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night.  I didn't know what I was thinking and I was out of line.

I wanted to thank you for your generosity by making breakfast for you!  This is a recipe my mom made up, I hope you like it!  It's always served my weekends well.


He finished off the note with a small cartoonish sketch, similar to his moms style, of him with a thumbs up.  

I laughed at the small note, it's so kind of him to do this.  But, a part of me broke when he mentioned that he didn't know what he was thinking.  It makes me feel like he doesn't actually want me and it was just the alcohol speaking.  Nonetheless, I really appreciate him and what he's done. 

I picked up the silverware and dug in, the flavor melting my body as soon as it touched my taste buds.  Holy shit, Jean...  Where in the world did you learn to do this?

I looked around the apartment as I ate my meal in silence, seeing as he straightened up for me too.  The dishes were done, the counters were cleaned, and there wasn't even a trace that he is staying here in the living room.  I want him to move in just for this.  What the hell was Emily thinking?

"Morning," he walked out of the bathroom, already fully dressed and ready besides his hair that was still soaking. 

He wore an forest green dress shirt that was tucked into black fitting dress slacks, all pulled together by a black belt.   He wore a fancy silver watch on his right wrist which I noticed when he was cuffing his sleeves.  

"Good morning," I smiled while talking with my mouth full, "thank you so much for doing everything this morning, I really appreciate it."

He chuckled at me, walking over to me after going in the room to grab his work shoes, "It's the least I can do, you've done so much for me."  

"You look great, by the way," I started, setting the fork down on the counter, "but your hair could use some work."  You could see every muscle underneath his clothing, I'm basically drooling over this man.

He pulled a hand through his wet hair, "Why, whats wrong with it?"  

"It's soaking wet, Jean!"  I laughed, standing up to meet him.  "Do you have time before you go?  I could dry it for you."

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now