Authors Note

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Hi guys!  

I wanted to apologize if the few ending chapters are choppy, rushed, or messy.  I quickly ran out of ideas/motivation after the whole thing with Emily.  I felt like after that, it turned into the typical wattpad fanfiction and that's the one thing I didn't want it to turn into...  

I might make edits to it, but most likely not.  I'm probably going to start another JeanMarco fic later where it would mostly be fluff with normal relationship drama, not to the extent of this or Again (if you read it).  

It would be another modern AU, probably a college AU where they meet there.  

Thank you so much for reading Deeply Devoted though, I appreciate each and every person who reads this.  I love you guys so much <3

Lastly, there will be an "After the Story" chapter with a sneak of their after life as a married couple.  It will be a short, sweet, chapter that just gives a little bit more of their life.  

Thank you again, I hope you enjoyed Deeply Devoted!!!

~ Shea

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now