First, and probably last , date...

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This can't be happening. She slips out of conscience ness for the final time until they take me out of the room.
" No please don't. I don't want to wait out there." I cry to the doctor.
" Mr... Um."
" Hemmings." I corrected him
" Yes Mr.Hemmimgs. I know you want to stay with her but if you want her to survive. I'm going to have to ask you to leave so we can help her."
I nod in understanding I walk out of the room crying. each minute feels like a hour. I'm sitting in the chair with my head in my hands. I feel something vibrate in my pocket. it was her phone. I must have put it in my pocket when I panicked to get her here. I look at the screen and someone is calling her.
" Who's ashton?" I question my self.
" H-hello."
" Alyssa?"
" No I'm luke. Me and her are in the hospital. She's Umm.. Been in an accident." I try not to cry as I explain to the concerned boy why me best friend is in the hospital.
" Oh my god is she okay? I'm coming right now." He sounds worried and scared. who is this kid? How does he know her? I say okay and he quickly hangs up the phone.
I can hear the doctors in the room yelling, I need this , I need that. the last thing I heard broke my heart.
" She's lost too much blood. She might not survive this. do we have any blood in her type?"
Oh no. please say yes. I can't lose my best friend. she's lost a lot of blood and it's all my fault.
" Yes we do we have just enough but we need to act now."
That gave me a bit more hope but it wasn't enough to know that she MIGHT be okay. I can hear a boy asking very worriedly where Alyssa's room is. the nice desk lady pointed him to her room and he was running towards me.
" Are you luke?" He asks me I nod my head not being able to speak. he asks me what happened but I couldn't tell him about what she did. she didn't want anyone to know. she didn't even want me to know but one time I caught her.
" She was in an accident." he can tell I'm lying but decided to just take a seat next to me.
- 1 hour later-
It's been roughly an hour shes been in there. finally the doctor comes out of the room. he's covered in blood which worries me but he seems relieved.
" She's going to be okay. you can go inside and see her if you want." my face lights up with a smile and so does Ashton's.
" I'm sorry but who are you?" The doctor asks ashton politely.
" My names ashton."
The doctor nods and leads us to her room. He opens the door and I can see her laying on the bed. thank god she's okay. I let ashton walk in first and I pull the doctor aside.
" Umm when I brought her in here I told her who I was and she didn't remember me. does she have some sort of memory loss."
" Did she hit her head hard on anything?"
" Well it could be the amount of blood she lost. if she dosent remember you tomorrow just bring up some old memories to jog her memory."
I give a sigh of relief. i thank the doctor and walk to her bed. Im scared for a moment because she didn't move but I could see her body rising and falling with every breath she took.
" She's just asleep." ashton reassures me. I give him a nod of understanding while we just look at her.
I pull out her phone and call her job.
" Um hi this is luke Hemmimgs calling about alyssa. yea she won't be able to work for the next few days because she's been in an accident and she's in the hospital." her boss was very kind and understanding. he thanked me and hung up.
I turned to ashton and asked him how he knows alyssa and he tell me everything.
" Wait so your the boy that saved her from those group of guys?" I curiously ask him.
" Yup. Wait she told you about that?" One of the nurses told us to quite down so that we don't wake and startle her. so we walked out the door and continued our conversation. After our conversation things got quite for a minute.
" Hey wait here I'm going to be right back okay?" I say to ashton. he nods his head and i head for the front of the hospital. I get in my car and drive to a toy store. I'm looking around and I can't find it anywhere. when I finally find what I'm looking for I buy it write a little note on it and get in the car. when I arrive at the hospital i place it next to her bed and continue to talk to ashton. he's actually a very nice kid and we become friends quickly. I notice a red mark across his wrist. wait does he cut too? I don't say anything about it because I didn't want to make him feel un comfortable.
" Well I have to go my mom wants me home. Whats your number just in case I need to reach you?" Ashton asks me. I give him my number and he text me so that I can have his. we walked to the front of the hospital. I got into my car he got into his and we drove away.
" God I hope my present will jog her memory."
"Hey wait here Im Going to be right back okay?"
I nod my head okay and he walks away. who was he? Was that her boyfriend? All these questions running through my head. Why was he crying? I wonder if he's her boyfriend? No stop it brain. Bad ash you shouldn't be worried if she has a boyfriend. but I am. I don't know why but when he picked up the phone my heart sunk a little. but why? She was just a girl that I made good friends with... and almost kissed. The doctor come up to me and tells me that she can go home tomorrow. I nod thank him and he walks away.
It's hot in the hospital but I don't dare lift up my sleeves. if I do the doctors will probably try to take me into the room. I had scars, and lots of them. they burned when they rubbed against the fabric of my sleeve but it stopped hurting after a while. no one knew about it except for mike and cal. we were in the garage one day. I was practicing the drums and they were practicing their guitars. I knew a little guitar but I was a lot better at the drums. we were doing a cover for American idiot by green day and cal stopped in mid song. he looked at mike telling him to stop playing. after a few seconds they I stopped and looked at them. they looked at my arm and I knew I was busted. I told them everything. but anyway that doesn't matter.
What matters is she's alive. I started to think of luke. blonde hair, tall, skinny, and had a lip piercing. he had it all. no wonder why she picked him. I see him from far away with something in his hands.
" Speak of the devil." I mutter to my self.
Luke makes his way quietly into her room and places the object next to her bed. we talk out side in the hallway for a while getting to know each other. Well he was 18 played guitar and apparently loved penguins. he was nice but something inside me still disliked him. when we left I got into my car. I watched him drive away.
" I still don't like you." I say then head home.
* home *
My phone was on the counter and I see I got 5 missed calls from Calum. I called him back and he picked up rather fast.
" Dude what the fuck you can't do that to me. Me and Michael were scared as fuck that you killed your self." oh yea did I mention that I attempted suicide 4 times? 3 deep slit wrist and 1 over dose. my last attempt should have ended it but somehow I pulled through and woke up in the hospital.
" Hey Calum I'm sorry I was in the hospital and I left my phone on the counter. "
" WHAT THE FUCK? Why were you in the hospital?" He loudly screams into the phone.
" Jesus dude calm down. remember that girl you met today? Well I called her and I think it was her - boyfriend- but anyway he picked up and said she was in the hospital so I put on my shoes and drove there. I must have left my phone in my hurry." I pause at the word boyfriend and think of him again. he was thin I was fat. his facial features were perfect mine were dysfunctional. everything about me was shit. No wonder she liked him. he's lucky to have her. with her thick amazing dark brown curly hair, amazing brown eyes I could get lost in any day, her adorable smile when she laughs, and the cute freckles that spot her face. she was the definition of flawless.
" Dude you still there?" I can hear Calum question me on the other line. oh shit I forgot I was on the phone with him.
" What? Yea I'm here."
" Alright ashton I'm going to hang up now and you call me when your done drooling over her." My face starts to burn up.
" You know what Calum? Wait till I see you. Your gonna get it do bad."
He laughs says good bye and hangs up the phone.
" What happened to her?" I whisper to my self.
I was so worried when luke told me she was In the hospital. she looked so peaceful in her sleep. Her beautiful body rising and falling when she breathed. they put her hair in a side ponytail which makes her look so adorable. Her lips were a warm shade of pink. I smile a bit just thinking of her. I haven't smiled in a long time. I walk upstairs and take a shower.
" Where everything isn't meant to be okayyyy- IM NOT FUCKING OKAY."
I practice my part In the green day cover. I put on some boxers and lay in bed. The doctor said she would wake up tomorrow.
" I think I'll just leave her a nice text to wake up to." o grab my phone and click on her.
ALYSSA😅😘: hey beautiful. I came to the hospital to see you last night but you were asleep so I let you sleep. The doctor said you could go home when you wake up so I was just wondering if you wanted to go some where with me? xo
Send. I put my phone down and shut my eyes. I felt the butterflies in my stomach.
" I hope she says yes."
- next day-
I open my eyes to a very bright white room. I squint my eyes and look around from left to right. when I look to my right I side I can see an outline of an object.
" What the hell?
as my eyes adjust the object becomes more clear. there's a note stuck on the front of it.
"From your penguin best friend."
I for get where I was for a second. I look around the room and I'm in the hospital. I look back at my present. it was a large stuffed penguin.
"Who gave me this?" I whisper to my self.
A young cute doctor walked in and had a smile of relief on his face.
" Well glad to see your up."
I gave him a weak smile as he walked over to me. he asked me many questions, like how I'm feeling , how long have I been doing this and shit like that. I told him I was feeling okay. I sort of remember he hurting my self but not much. I look back at the penguin.
" Umm hey do you know who left this here for me?"
" oh yea. Mr. Hemmimgs left it for you."
I give him a confused look. Hemmimgs?
" Blonde hair, skinny, color changing eyes, and a lip piercing?" He says trying to make me remembered I look at the Penguin and start to picture this mr. Hemmimgs in my head. I read the note over.
" From your penguin best friend. "
Wait I remember now. he was describing Luke. I start to replay that night over again in my head. I turn back to the doctor.
" Wait Hemmimgs as in. Luke Hemmimgs?" He nods his head yes. Holy shit I have to talk to him. I have to tell him I'm sorry. I grab my phone and see I've got 3 new text messages 1 from dad 1 from luke and surprisingly 1 from ashton. I read his first:
ASHTON😳😘: hey beautiful. I came to the hospital to see you last night but you were asleep so I let you sleep. The doctor said you could go home when you woke up so I was just wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me? xo
I smile a bit at his text. Then I read it again. wait he was here too? How did he know I was here? I look at the doctor.
" Hey how many people came to see me yesterday?"
" Just two. they said there names were Luke and Ashton. they both seemed pretty worried about you." he says he looks at my arm then back into my eyes.
I know what he meant. he was trying to tell me to stop doing this to my self because there are people that care. with out another word he left the room. I text ashton back.
ME: hey ash. Wait you mean somewhere like a date?😏
Within 30 seconds he texts me back
ASHTON😳😘: well umm yea. Like a first date.
ME: sure but I'll have to go home and change first.
ASHTON😳😘: Great. I'll pick you up now.
I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I don't bother reading my other messages. I get dressed and wait for ashton. he walks into my room we walk to the front desk and check out. Before we left the doctor came and told be to jut relax and take it easy for a few days. we walk to the parking lot and get in Ashton's car.
" Hey umm. what happened to you?"
"What do you mean?" I question him.
" Why were you in the hospital?"
Oh shit. I really didn't want to tell him. He would probably just laugh, call me stupid, and make fun of me. there's was no way in hell I was going through that.
" I was in a car accident." I quickly lie to him. His face was unreadable. I couldn't tell if he bought it or not. he quickly said okay and started the car. he drove me home so that I could get changed.
" Dress warm." he calls to me.
I get dressed in some light blue skinny jeans , a dark grey sweater with a good heart on it, a light grey scarf and some neon pink vans. I fix my hair and make my way down stairs. ashton is waiting for me at my front door. when he sees me walk down the stairs his jaw drops.
" Wow " he finally chokes out.
" What is it bad? Should I go change?" I ask him nervously.
" No no no. Absolutely not. You good great."
I can feel my cheeks start to glow. I thank him and we both walk to the car. he pulls up to an ice skating place. I look at him confused and he just smiles.
" Ashton I can barley skate on solid ground. Do you honestly think I'm going to be able to skate on ice?" I nervously question him. a small smile lights up his face and he tells me not to worry.
" Hey don't worry I can't do this either."
Oh that's just fantastic. neither of us can ice skate, this should be fun. we walk into the rink and go get ice skates. I tell the guy my shoe size and attempt to pay him.
" No no no I got it." ashton says.
" Ashton I'm a big girl I'm pretty sure I can buy my own skates."
He pouts his lip and begs me to let him buy pay for me. I finally cave. he pays for the skates and we go sit to try to put them on.
" You do know I'm 18. I think I can handle my self." I say to him with a smile.
" I know but it's our first date and I didn't want you to worry about a thing." he says kind of shy.
My cheeks start to glow red again.
" You blush a lot you know that?" He says to me and pokes my nose.
" No I don't." I say sticking my tongue out at him.
" Lier. Look your blushing right now. see? Your face is red from one cheek all the way to the other side of your face. They really bring out your freckles."
Oh my god he said the F word. I hated my freckles.
" Eww no stop it I don't like my freckles. there ugly." I explain to him.
" Oh come on there adorable." he says poking my cheek.
" Oh stop. C'mon lets go." I drag him on to the ice and instantly he slipped and fell. well I guess he won't be a winter Olympic ice skater.
After about an hour of skating I have to sit and take a break. I check my phone. It's 12:00. shit I'm going to be late for work.
" Ashton come on I have to go to work." I say panicking.
" babe- I mean Lyss relax. luke call you out for the next few days. you don't have to go back until next Tuesday." He says while laughing at how paranoid I am.
I give him a sigh of relief. wait did he call me babe? Oh well I must have heard wrong. were just friends...that go on dates... and flirt a lot... that's all, nothing more nothing less.
* 1:00*
We return the skates and get back in the car.
" Well that was a fun first date." I say out of breath.
" And it's about to get a whole lot better." what was he on about?
" Me Calum and mike were invited to a party around 10:00 and I want you to come with."
I agree and he starts the car.
"Should I change? I mean i don't look like a party girl."
" Just take off the scarf and you will be fine." He reassures me.
" what should we do in the meantime?" I ask him
" Well we could always give the skating thing another shot." He says through an embarrassed smile. I hesitate to agree but but I finally cave.
Oh great lets fall again...
* 9:30*
We have been skating almost all day. I fell and decided to give up so we went to his house. he lives by him self so it was pretty empty. We watched movies the rest of the time until now.
" Hey umm did you still want to go to the party?" He nervously asks me.
" Yes totally. hey don't be so shy when you talk to me. I won't bite...hard."
His face gets red and we head to the car. we pull up to this big house and I can already feel the car vibrating. Oh this should be fun.
There were people every where. the music was so loud I could barley hear myself think. we walk over to Michael and Calum. There both holding drinks. I gave them both hugs they both smelled like alcohol. it was obvious they were drunk. you could hear it in their voices.
" Dude you guys have to try this." Calum drunkly says.
" yeah they spiked this shit." mike adds. they both aren't old enough to drink but I guess they don't care.
I can feel ashton come closer behind me.
" Lyss don't do it. you are only 18."
" Oh come on ash loosen up its just one drink. you should have one too." I explain to him.
" I'm only 20 remember? I can't drink either." I beg him and he finally caves.
" Alright fine but I don't want you getting drunk."
With that I take the cup from Calums hand and take a sip. damn that was strong but I kept drinking it. about 2 hours later I was swallowing cup after cup. ashton tried to stop be but I still managed to drink more. he didn't drink at all though he just stood beside me and caught me when ever I lost balance.
" Hey there. how did you get there?" I ask him through a very lit ( drunk ) smile.
" C'mon alyssa I think you have had enough to drink for the night."he takes my cup. I try to take it back but I trip over my own foot and almost fall.
" What are you? My daddy?" I question him with a bit of annoyance in my voice. he looks down and a small smile creeps to his lips.
" I can be your daddy when ever you want but right now I need you to stop drinking." he wipes his smile off still trying to be serious.
"Bad boy ashton." I say to him pointing my finger at him.
" I'm nit the one drinking." he smiles getting closer.
the front door bursts open interrupting our conversation and 4 guys Carrying 2 boxes of beer each come through.
" Whose ready for some beer pong?!?!" They all shout at the same time. I turn to ashton and he already knew what I'm going to ask him.
" One game and you done drinking for the night." I give him a hug and make my way to the table. I watch then set up the cups at either side of the tables.
" Hey lyss want to be on my team and scrape these losers?" Michael shouts to me from across the table.
I take his offer and stand next to him at the table. ashton looks uneasy when I get close to mike but I'm too drunk to notice.
" Ohhhhhhhh that's three in a row!" I shout and laugh at the other team I shoot again and make it.
" Damn I'm not even allowed to drink yet and I can still play better then the boys that can." I was clearly lit but somehow had good aim. I shoot again.
" That's five!" I shout.
I turn to mike and smirk at him.
" Come here you."
Before he knew what was happening I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards me. our lips crashed together. I roughly pull the hair on the back of his neck while he grips my waist tightly. he licked my bottom lip and I wasted no time granting him permission. wow this kid was good. For someone who is so shy with his voice he was anything but shy with his tongue. he picked me up by my waist and placed me on the table, keeping our lips locked. He was enjoying our kiss but I didn't feel any sparks. He pulls me in tighter to him to the point where my stomach was pressed against his. He bit down on my lip hard but enjoyable causing a small moan to escape from my lips. that's when it happened.
The sound of the front door slamming shut makes me breaks away from mike. out of breath I look around. my heart sunk. ashton was nowhere to be found. it was him, he left. I hear the tires of his car screeching outside and I jumped off the table, fought through the crowd of people and made my way outside. I watched his car speed away.
" What the fuck just happened?"
Heyyy guys. had really bad writers block this whole weekend so sorry if it's bad.
So what do you guys think about Ashton's feelings? Is he mad, sad, angry, depressed? Why did he leave after I kissed Michael?
Stay awesome
Alyssa Irwin <3 XD

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