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" Ash baby what's wrong?" I ask him trying to ignore the guilt inside of me."
" Umm we need to talk."
My fake smile instantly drops. I've heard those words before. ' we need to talk' is code for 'I'm breaking up with you'. I honestly don't think I can handle this. not even a full month and I already fucked up. This is just fucking great.
"You're what?" I ask him.
" I'm sorry I really don't have a choice. my -parents- would never leave me alone if I don't go."
He hesitates at the word parents and looks down. I look at him confused but quickly drop it. He's going away on a family business trip. i guess his aprents are giving him their company soon so they want him to learn how to be a company owner
" How long are you going to be gone for?" I question him.
he pulls at his hair in stress. " Not that long. hey how was work today?" He asks me trying to change the subject.
" Oh my god. I was horrible. Not even 10 minutes at the desk and I already had this kid throw his shoe at me, wait stop trying to change the subject how long are you going to be gone for?"
He just gets up and paces around my living room for a while. I give him the look that says ' are you going to answer me?' And he finally sits back down in defeat.
" Okay it's not that long just like 3 or 4." He nervously says. he's so cute when he's nervous, but I have to ignore that at this moment.
" 3 or 4 what? Days weeks?"
he looks down and bites his lip. i do everything in my power to not attack him right then and there. he sees the look on my face and i can see a tiny smile creep onto his as my looks up at me. he leans in to kiss me but right when out lips were going to collide, i turn my face and he makes contact with my cheek.
" Lyss baby thats not fair. i havent seen you all day give me a kiss."
i lean in like im about to kisss him but pull away again." nope not until you tell me how long your are going to be gone for." He pouts his lip and makes a puppy dog face.
" we can talk about it tomorrow," he pushes me back down on the couch and is hovering over me,"now will you just kiss me already?" well damn. i like the fiesty ashton. the demanding side of him is really hot.
" eager are we? alright fine but we are going to talk about this tomorrow morning." not another word was said. instead he nods yes and brings his face down to mine. our lips connected and form there he attempted to slip his tongue between my lips. stop him and push him off of me slightly. his grip on my shoulders loosens and i take this chance to flip him around so now im on top of him.
" sweet heart no. im daddy. im the dominant one." i say to him with a smirk.
" Oh really? you think youre daddy? its okay princess you can be daddy...for now."
"im always daddy." my arms are beside his head and he grabs them in attempt to flip me over again. i can feel the burning pain again and let out a quite cry but loud enough for him to hear. his face instantly drops from a smile to pure horror.
" Ash babe what's happened?" I asked him concerned.
" What did I do? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I cut him off with a kiss.
" Hey chill it's okay. why are you so scared?"
" You you winced like I hurt you. " I'm not going to lie it did hurt but it wasn't his fault. He didn't cut my arm.
" It's nothing babe. relax." I didn't want him to know that I cut myself. I don't want him to laugh at me.
" Are you sure baby? Don't lie to me. did I hurt you?"
" You could never hurt me." I say then kiss him again s soft warm lips press against mine. my hands once again make their way into his hair. im care ful not to put any weight on him because he wont be able to lift me up. he attempt to pull me down onto him but i push back on his chest.
" babe why wont you lay with me? Why are you pushing me away?" he says with sad puppy dog eyes. awe hes so adorable when hes sad. i push a strand of hair out of his face and calmly say that its nothing. he gives me the 'im not buying it' look and looks down at my lips while debating if he should attack them again. n see the look in his eyes and give him a smirk. slowly start to bite my lip hile smiling not breaking eye contact. his grip on my waist tightens as his face turns red. he harshly flips me over so that im on the bottom and hes hovering over me.
" im going to make you regret that." he breathes down my neck as he leaves a little hot trail of wet kisses down it. he makes his way from my jawline up to my lips but i turn away so his lips meet my cheek instead.
" youre going to have to work a bit harder then that sweet heart." He laughs at my remark. He puts his finger on my lips then starts to slide down until he reaches the top of my chest. I can feel mY face getting red and he takes that as a sign to go for it. His lips collide with mine as we fight for dominance. I slowly beging to unbutton his flannel and when I get to the last button he rips it off along with his undershirt. he's wearing bracelets the cover half of his fore arms. he wraps my legs around him while we break away so I can take. My shirt off. before we get any further his phone starts to ring. We keep kissing trying to ignore it but I can tell he's frustrated with the sound.
"You do t have to answer it do you?" I say a bit annoyed. he sighs and nods his head. he attempts to push off of me until I stop him.
" Wait one more." He smiles and leans down to give me another long kiss, but right before he's about to pull away I bite down hard on his bottom lip. he jerks back a bit and grabs his lip in pain.
" Umm ow that did hurt you know."
" Oh I know I did. But that's the thing. It was suppose to. Maybe next time you will learn to put your phone on vibrate."
" Now you're changing it to five mom?! I can't stay don there that long I have to get back here. I don't give a damn about him. He's not my father ( you're not my dad XD sorry had to!) when are we leaving. that soon?! You know what bye I don't even want to talk to you right now."
I can hear Ashton arguing with someone on the phone so I sat on the couch and waited till he was done. he checks his phone for about another 5 minutes until he finally sees me in the living room.
" Good morning princess. I made you some pancakes and stuff."
I shake my head no thank you and his face turns into a frown.
" But - but I made them for you. Please?" He begs dragging out the E. I cave and decide to stand next to him in the kitchen.
" Who were you arguing with?" I bluntly ask him. he just shakes his head but I ask again.
" It was just my parents about the whole trip thing. now eat before it gets cold"
" When are you leaving?" He gives me the look that says ' don't worry about it ' but I don't back down.
" Three weeks." he finally chokes out. I start to panic a little but quickly calm down. its only for a few days right? im sure i can manage. maybe...
" why do you look so nervous its only for like 4 days right?" i question. he looks at the time and quickly says.
" princess im sorry i have to go. ill text you." he says heading for the door.
" how long are you leaving for?" he kissesmt forehead and tries to leave.
" no ashton ell me how long youre leaving for?" i almost scream at him. hes really making me mad but then i look down at his lips and instantly want to kiss them but i restrain my self. well thats was a great two and a half seconfs of anger. he finally looks down and breaths out, " five months." and walks out the door without another word. i istantly call maria.
" i need you at my house like now."
"why?" she asks back.
" boy talk. i need you here NOW!" with that she quickly hung up and her car pulled up to my house in 5 minutes flat.
" He's what!?" She half asks half screams in my ear. I just nod my head and look down. I would be fine with just a month maybe two at the most but 5? That's way too many. A lot can happen in 5 months. i mean look at me and him. ive onlt known him for a little ove a month and were already together. i say nothing else and fall asleep in her arms.
A few days pass by, go to ashtons house every morning,he drops me off and picks me up from work, and when I get back to my house it's about 10:00. I practly live there. everyday Michael comes in to the bowling alley and just sits in the corner with a smirk on his face. how does he have the nerve to show his face around me after what he did? Today I work till closing and Ashton is going to be a bit late to pick me up. I finish locking up all the rooms and it's too cold outside so I wait inside for ashton.
" All by yourself princess?" I know that voice from anywhere. it's fucking Clifford. I turn around to say something to him but instead he pins me against the wall and has my hands against the wall so i coukdnt hit him.i tried to kick him but he was too close up against me that i could'nt move. i hear ashton beep the horn outfront.
" Michael let go of me i have to go." i struggle to slip from his grip but hes too strong.
" leaving so soon? what? oh i forgot. your ' boyfriend is out side waiting to take you home."
" why do you say it like that?"
" oh nothing you shoukd worry your pretty little head about."
i try to slip out one more time but this time he smashes me into the wall and i hit my head pretty hard. he grabs both sides of my face with his hands and forces a kiss on my lips. i kiss him back for a split second until i realized what was happening. i bit down as hard as i could on his bottom lip and he winced in pain. his grip loosened then tighten up again when he felt me try to run. He grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls so my head falls back exposing my neck. i can feel the tears collect and roll down my face. i can feel his lips connect with my neck as he sucks on it trying to give me a hickey. i try to squirm away before he made it but its was too late. he pulled away admiring his work. the guilt rises up in me as i hear ashton beep again.
" have fun trying to explain that one princess." and with that he vanished. i wend to the bathroom and saw the brigh red hickey the size of a straw berry ight above my collar bone. grab my things and walk out the front door wiping the tears from my face. can feel the wetness from the hickey on my neck and it makes me tear up again.
" princess whats wrong?" ashtonasks me. god why does he have to call me that? hes just making it worse.
" do you have to call me fucking princess everytime you see me? god!" hes shocked and hurt by my outburst. i can see it in his eyes. in his hazel, green specked, amazing eyes.
" i-im sorry. i wont call you princess anymore. ill drop all the nick names and just call you alyssa if you want." he says looking down. i can hear him sniff and see him try to blink back the tears. i instantly feel bad. i didnt mean to blow up on him its just sort of happened with mike the hickey and everything.
" no its fine im sorry. i didnt mean it i just had a really long day. you can call me princess i dont have an issue with that." its true i like when he calls me princess just mike makes if feel dirty. i lean over and kiss his cheek and a small smile creeps on to his lips. he drives us to his house where we watch movies and i fall asleep in his arms.
i woke up panicking. i lazily moved my arm over what seemed to be a bed but only to touch nothing but empty bed sheets. i uncovered my self to find that i was a wearing a sweatshirt that was two sixes too big. it had to be Ashton's. i didn't bring my oversized sweatshirt with me yesterday.anyway i start to panic i don't see ashton anywhere. did he leave already? has the three weeks gone by so soon? i practically run down stairs to find him sleeping on the couch. i let out a deep breath and relaxed a bit. why was he on the couch and i was int e bed? well only one way to find out. with that i tiptoed over to the the other side of the couch and jumped on him. he lets out a small groan then his eyes flutter open.
" well good morning to you too princ-i mean sweet heart."
" ash i told you that princess what fine. dont worry i wont spaz on you again." i giggle then peck his nose. he just smiles with half open eyes.
" ill just go back upstairs and let you go back to sleep okay?"
" no dont leave. you're going to make it cold stay here with me. cuddle with me." he begs and pleads. im basically laying on top of him and just realized he has no shirt.
" well no wonder its cold, you have no shirt on." i sarcastically giggle. he just smiles in return. he smiles and blushes a lot. its kinda cute.
"babe sit up." i give him a confused look and sit up. i can hear him whisper perfect while he just admires me. i give him another confused look.
" you look so perfect standing there." ( please tell me at least someone understood this XD)
" but im not standing im sitting." i correct him laughing. his large hands make their way tomy ugly fat waist and just rest there.
" im going to miss you so much princess you dont understand. im going to call you every morning , text you all day, and call you juts to say good night." she says as he sits up.
" I'm going to miss you too. when are you leaving again?"
" in a little over a week. this sucks." he replies looking down.
" really? thats perfect because my boss let me take a few days off because..." i trailed off. i told him i thought i had a stalker but i didnt tell them who it was. i didnt want to tell ashton because i didnt want him to worry. i can never tell him about what Michael did.
' because?" he asked.
Nothing forget or ill take like 3 days off so we can hang out all day till the very last minute." I attempt to peck his cheek but he moved his face and i kissed his lips instead.
" you know if you want a kiss all you have to do is ask. i dont bite, unless you want me to." he pulls me in again and then goes for my neck but he stopped when he gets to my collar bone. oh no the hickey.
' when did i give you that?" he asks a bit concerned
" oh it was probably the day before you told me you were leaving."i quickly lie to him. i seems to buy it and kisses me again. i cant let him find out about mike it would break his heart. he gets up o pee and my phone vibrates.
Clifford: hi princess. come to the park now i want to talk to you.
what is with this kid?
Me: after what you did to me? fuck off clifford!
Clifford: Oh come on. dont be a poor sport. maybe i should give ashton a call and tell him about our little date last night.
he wouldn't. he wouldn't hurt ashton like that. actually yes he would. hes done it twice. i quickly text him back that il bee there in a few and start to get dressed.
" sweet heart where are you going?" ashton questions me walking out the bathroom.
" oh no where ill be back soon okay? and do me a favor,have a shirt on when i comeback. granted it nice but maybe just a little too much early in the morning." i give him a quick kiss goodbye and walk out the door.
what do you want from me clifford? i cant believe you have the nerve to pull this shit on me." do i sound pissed? just a bit? well yea i guess you can say im not the happiest camper.
" i want you. i want you to be mine. i want you to love me the way i love you."
" you call basically raping me love? go to hell okay? im done talking about this." i turn around in attempt to walkaway but he says something that makes me stop.
" hes using you. he doesn't want you like i do."
" how would you know that?" i almost whisper.
" think about it. if he really wanted you do you think he would leave that easily without even asking you about it first?"
" you dont know what you're talking about. fuck off clifford."
" fine but you will be mine one way or another princess. just wait on it." he winks and walks away. god i fucking hate that kid. stomping away in anger notice my tall blonde best friend sitting on the bench eating ice cream with... another blonde? hes lucky im not maria or i would have killed him.
" hey luke. whats up?" i give him the look that says ' it better not be what it looks like' and he quickly shakes his head no.
" he lyss this is my friend taylor. taylor this is alyssa." i shake hands with the overly excited blonde and fake a nice smile.
we talk for a while then ashton text me asking me to come home.
" well guys gotta run. nice meeting you taylor."
" wait let me give you my number so we can keep in touch" i give her my phone and she puts her number in.
" swift?" i ask confused
" yea thats my last name taylor swift." i say my good byes and walk back to ashtons house. on my way over there i try to think of where i heard that name before. i get to Ashton's door and when he opens the door it finally hit me.
shes Luke's Ex girlfriend. the one he never shut up about. oh Maria should have fun with this one.
whats is up my human friends? long time no see. anyway what did you guys think? AGRESSIVE!!!!!!! jesus christ the violence level in this chapter. anyway for you that know taylor swift and dont like her dont worry shes not not going to be positively looked at. and for the people that do like her im only giving her bad cred for my friend Maria and because I can't stand that bitch 😈😝 well anyway tell me what ya think. Will ash find out about Mike? Will Mike tell him? Does Ashton really believe the hickey story?does alyssa still believe that she is wanted by him? What does Taylor have to do with the story? Next update should be soon. ( next month 😇😂) anyway love you guys stay awesome and if you skipped chapters please read them because it makes it easier to understand.
Love alyssa~

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