Sticks to strings?

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i watch my dashboard creep up to 80 miles. I was speeding down the highway. I was going the opposite way from home but I didn't care.
" How could she do that?" I whisper to my self
" Why did she fucking kiss him! Why did she have to do that I front of me! Dosent she have a fucking boy friend!" I scream angrily. it's late I turn around and head home.
" It was all my fault I should have never asked her out in a date when she had a boyfriend." I mutter to my self.
I walk into my house and look in the mirror.
" Why ashton, why did you have to ask her in a date knowing she had a boyfriend? He would probably kill you." think to my self.
I run upstairs and grab my the only person that could understand me. my blade.
" You deserve this. your so fucking stupid. you fucking high school drop out. she will never want you like you want her."
Every cut stung but I didn't care. after watching my blood pour from my skin, I washed my self up and took a shower. I laid in bed thinking to my self.
" No one is going to keep me away from her. I'm going to win her or die trying. I know just the way to do it. "
With that I went to sleep.
I had Calum drunk drive me home at like 2:00 in the morning today. I walked in to see my dad staring at baby pictures of me and crying. I was still slammed. he must have thought I was mom because he didn't say anything when I opened the door.
" Daddy?" I croak.
He turns his head quickly to look at me. his face showed shock, relief, and anger all at the same time. he ran up and gave me a tight hug.
" Alyssa where have you been? Luke told me you were in the hospital and I texted you but you never texted me back. I thought you were dead..."
He was obviously angry that I didn't text him. I stood / leaned against the wall and said nothing.
" Are you drunk?" He half curiously half angrily asked me. I quickly lie.
" what? Me?pfff no Im not drunk."
" Really? Spell it then."
" Spell what?"
" Spell drunk."
" D-R-U-N-C-K " he looks at me in disapproval.
" Alright go upstairs take a shower and we can talk tomorrow when your sober. I took tomorrow off." I looked at him and didn't move an inch.
" No..." I breathed out.
He looked at me in shock. his face turned hard but I stood my ground. it might be the drunk talking but I start to scream at my father.
" Who the fuck are you to tell me when and when not to go to sleep!? I'm not a fucking child anymore."
" Well you act like a fucking child. your fucking 18 and drunk as hell! And watch your damn language!"
He's in my face. If this was a cartoon smoke would be coming out of his ears. He ws pissed but I didn't care.
" What are you going to do about it?" I mockingly say to him with the ' I dare you bitch ' look.
" Alyssa I swear to god don't mess with me right now. "
" FUCK YOU!" I screamed in his face.
right across my face. My father just slapped the drunk right out of me. the tears threaten to spill but I refuse to let them fall. I look at the monster I call my father in shock. his face shows a horrified expression.
I turned around and ran up to my room. My father ran after me saying that he was sorry. No. he hit me. Some one I actually trusted hit me. he grabbed my wrist. the burning feeling of my scar makes me turn around.
" Let go of my wrist." I breath out. he grips it tighter.
" Ow that fucking hurts." I scream out. His face turns soft. he asks me why and I lift my sleeve in anger.
" That's why it hurts. yup that nice fresh red scar across my wrist. but you wouldn't care right?."
With that I slipped out if his grasp and locked my self in my room. I sat in my bed and started to think about ashton.
"why did he leave in such a hurry? Okay I know why he let but why did it bother him so much? Was he jealous? No. never he didn't like me like that we were just friends." I think to my self.
All these questions make my head hurt on top of my hang over kicking in. My stomach starts to feel funny. I stand up and run to the bathroom. I kneel over the toilet and start to puke. I don't eat much so it's been a long time since I threw up. it was all the alcohol I drank tonight. I clean my self up, take a shower and go to bed.
* 11:00 am*
The sun was shining bright through my window. it made my eyes hurt really bad. then my phone started to ring abnormally loud.
" Jesus Christ. what the hell is happening?" I silence my phone because it was getting to loud for me. I got up and went to the kitchen. I had to put some sunglasses on because everything was way too bright. I walk into the kitchen and see that my dad left a note.
" Alyssa I'll be back later on tonight . We need to talk okay?"
The pain in my head increases. what the hell happened last night? All I know is that I was slammed ( hung over ). I sat down closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened last night. oh that's right there was a party, I got drunk, my dad slapped me, I kissed mike and ashton stormed out. Shit. I fucking kissed Mike. I hope he dosent remember. I have to call ashton. I quickly grab my phone and see I got a missed call from him. I call him back and he answered the phone.
" Hey..." i nervously say.
He mutters back a hello. I can tell he's not in the mood.
" What do you want?" He asks me in annoyance. is he serious? He's getting an attitude at me?
" Umm excuse me but you called me first." I hiss back at him. He sighs.
" Look I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. continue"
" I just wanted to talk about last night. can you come over?" He says yes we say good bye and he Hung up the phone. this was going to be one hell of a conversation.
We sat in silence when he arrived. his facial expression was unreadable. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
" So about last night..." I finally say breaking the silence. " why did you just leave like that?" He just looked at me. finally he looked down and shook his head.
" I had a family emergency." I says looking away. see? I told you he wasn't mad about mike. he dosent like me and he never will. i ask him if he was sure and he nodded. we started to talk about that day and it brought a small smile to his lips that he quickly wiped off. what happened? Yesterday he was so cheery now he tries to hide it. he start talking about the party...
" Umm hey I was like drunk so do you know what happened." I question him making it sound like i didn't remember most of the night.
" Well Calum offers you a drink and about 2 hours later you were taking drinks from other people and drinking them. I had to catch you every time you lost balance."
"Wait I was taking cups from people's hands!? That's gross." I say totally grossed out.
" Ha yea. Oh and you started to play beer pong and after like 5 in a row you... kissed ... Michael." he hesitates at the word kissed. Before I could say anything luke called me.
" Hello?"
" Umm alyssa?" Did he not know it was me? I mean he did press my name into his phone.
" Yes luke it's me." I say through a small laugh. I Can hear him sigh in relief on the other side. I look at ashton and he's looking down. what wrong with him? Luke is telling me that he texted me and I never replied so he thought that i didn't remember him.
" What's wrong?" I mouth to ashton. he says nothing. instead he just gets up waves good bye and walks out. okay well that was in no way weird. Something happened to this kid over night. what was it?
" Cmon alyssa hurry up!" I can hear Luke yelling from outside.
" Alright alright hold on geez." I hurry down stairs and get into his car. he wanted to talk to me so he came to pick me up.
" Where are we going?" I question him.
" Umm I don't know Starbucks?" He nervously answers back.
" Eww no dude cmon what am I white? Let's go get some ice cream."
We both laugh and he drives to the ice cream place. we go buy our ice creams and sit in an awkward silence. he finally asks me how I've been and kick starts the conversation.
" Yea I've been alright. haven't seen my mom in a while though." he wants to ask me more but instead he just nods and licks his ice cream. My phone vibrates.
MARIA😍: Hey boo. What's up? Where you at I haven't seen you since graduation.
Maria is like my other half. we met on the bus the first day of freshmen year and have never left each other side ever since.
ME: lol graduation was only like three days ago. and I'm with your boyfriend.
Oh did I mention that luke had a girlfriend? Yup I set them up and. Ow they are the happiest people I know. Luke looks at me and asks me who I'm texting. I tell him I. Texting Maria and his face lights up at the sound of her name.
" Oh my god oh my god tell her I said hi." he frantically says.
" Dude you have her number tell her your self."
MARIA😍: OMG OMG tell him that his baby loves him.
I decide to call her.
" You do realize that you have your own phone to tell your boyfriend that you love him right?" I explain putting emphasis on the word your.
" Yea I know but I forgot to tell him last night and this morning when we were done hav-"
" Okay okay okay. first disgusting. I don't want to hear about how he taught you how to ride a horse for the like 100th time. Jesus Christ Maria in the morning too? That's just gross."
" ALYSSA. shut up!" I can hear like trying to hush me as everyone looks at me interested in my conversation.
" Umm Maria let me call you back." She says okay hangs up the phone and me and Luke get in the car. I try to keep myself from laughing as I see Luke's red face. he's obviously embarrassed that I just put his sex life out there.
" That was not cool alyssa. not cool."
" Oh come on I thought it was hilarious."
We laugh and he starts to drive me home while I talk to Maria on the phone. Then his phone starts to ring. Maria has to go so she hangs up her phone and Luke picks up his.
" Hey what's up ash?" He says all calmly. while they talk Luke just mutters an okay once in a while.
" Sounds great text me your address I'll go get my guitar and I'll be over in about 20 minutes. Hey I'm bringing a friend okay? Okay" he says bye then hangs up the phone.
I look at him confused but don't say anything. instead I just get out of the car wave good bye to Luke and walk inside my house.
"What the hell was that about?" I think to my self.
I walk in to see my dad sitting on the couch. he looks at me and tells me to sit next to him. I sit and he looks at me.
" Listen I have to tell you something. it's about your mother."
I drop alyssa off at her house get Ashton's text, and call my baby.
" Baby get dressed im taking you to my friends house and then we can go see that movie."
" Alright baby. see you in a few."
We hang up and I start the car. when I show up she walks outside in her nirvana shirt. black skinny jeans and all black converse. Wow couldn't tell that her and alyssa were best friends.
" Ready babe?"
" Yea I'm ready. cmon lets go."
She gives me a light kiss and gets into the car. She dosent know about Alyssa's scars or how many times she tried to commit suicide. I want to tell her so bad but alyssa would kill me.
" So where are we going?" She questions me
" This kid wants to teach me how to play the drums if I teach him to play the guitar. I guess he's writing a song but he can't sing and drum at the same time."
" Oh a drummer. That sounds hot." she says with a smile.
I look at her and she throws her hands up in surrender.
" Stand down officer. I'm kidding I'm kidding." she laughs and we pull up to his house. he's in the garage with two other boys that have guitars in their hands. me and Maria introduce our selves to them.
" Alright so who wants to go first?" I decide to go first so I go and sit behind the drums. I give Maria my guitar and give her a kiss. ashton watches me kiss her in shock then wipes it off his face. okayyyy?
He sat behind my drum gave the girl his guitar and gave her a kiss. That little cheating bitch well I know the next verse to my song.
He says he loves you but it's all an act he seeing some one else right behind your back...
Hey guys should have updated this Saturday but just had way too much to do. ( Netflix XD )
So it's a kind of short chapter but I tried so there it is. so tell me what you think. is ashton still mad at me? Should I forgive my dad? What happened to my mother? How does ashton feel about Luke? Let me know what you guys think.
Stay awesome. Btw. Chapter dedicated to Maria XD love you ( picture is me and Maria)
Much love ~ Alyssa

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