Chapter 16: Confinement

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"Enter," called out President Snow's voice from inside the headmaster' office. Harry stiffen a bit at the sound of his voice; that was what Dumbledore usually said when he knocked the door.

Alecto Crow pushed open the door and, tugging at both Harry and Lockhart's collars, hauled them straight in as though they had commited a crime. Inside, the office looked normal except that the large portrait of Dumbledore had been replaced with one of Snow's. The silver instruments sat at one table, untouched. Behind the desk sat President Snow, a white rose in his lapel. It was an odd sight. Standing at either side of him were Death Eaters and there was a crystal orb sitting on the desk. It reminded Harry of the propechy. What he was doing with the orb, Harry had no idea. For all he knew Squibs never had magical abilities. Snow looked neutral; obviously he wasn't familiar with Harry Potter. But the way he narrowed his snake-like eyes at the sight of him looked like he was inspecting him, probably because of the reaping. Harry chanced a glance around the room and, to his utter relief, saw a smaller portrait of Dumbledore just near the window, his blue eyes twinkling. They gazed at each other for a moment, over hundreds of questions were bubbling in Harry's head, demanding to be answered at once. If only he were alone, he could just let them all out. Scream even.

"Gilderoy Lockhart and ... Harry Potter?" Snow began. "Exactly what business made them turn up?"

"Caught 'em in somewhere crawling out from some sort of a tunnel, sir," answered Alecto. "Thought you ought to know. Might as well be trying to escape, aren't you, Potter?"

"No!" Harry blurted out hotly.

"You filthy liar," Alecto hissed. "Think I'll actually believe-"

"Oh, no, he wasn't trying to escape. Why exactly would he do that?" Lockhart spoke, shaking his head. They all looked at him, Harry silently thanking him for coming to his aid. "You see, Headmaster - I mean President - I was wandering around the corridors and found that passage. Out of curiosity, I went in and thought I got lost until he entered himself."

"Entered himself?" Repeated Snow. "Sit down, if you please." They did. "Do you, by any chance, Harry, know about it? When it was supposed to be hidden?"

Yes, he answered in his mind. Instead, he said, "I saw the entrance left opened ... so I got in."

Snow slowly nodded. "You didn't know?"

What business of it to you what I know? Harry thought angrily. At the corner of his eyes, he could feel Dumbledore's eyes on him. "No," he said. He shifted in his seat so he was staring between Snow and the portrait of Dumbledore.

"And Gilderoy, what happened?" Asked Snow.

"Like I said; curious," Lockhart answered.

"You said you got lost. How come Harry knew the way out?"

Harry stiffen; why did Snow care so much? Not 'care' but why did he even bother to interrogate? "It was barely a hundred metre when I saw him leaning against the wall staring at nothing. Besides, he's still mentally disoriented," Harry said between gritted teeth. "Yeah, I saved your Ravenclaw tributes' mentor."

One of the Death Eaters made to draw his wand at Harry's last statement. But Snow put up his hand as to stop them. "You certainly did," he nodded. It could be meant as a joke, if he didn't look threatening with his snake-like eyes and puffy lips. "From now on, I will have the Dark Lord's Death Eaters to patrol every secret hidden passages in this school," he paused for a moment to stare at the crystal orb in front of him. "Would you like to show us where they are, Harry?"

"I -" Harry paused. How exactly did Snow know that? Or was he only guessing that Harry knew all about them, being the one to study there for almost seven years already? But didn't Harry tell him - lied to him - that he didn't know about the one where he found Gilderoy Lockhart? "How? I don't-"

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