Chapter 27: Riot at Gringotts

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Sorry for the long update! I truly am! Well, school happened and I have tests creeping up on me! I have been writing this chapter here forever. Yes, I would have updated it few weeks earlier if it weren't for all the works and tests my teachers gave! But yeah, here it is. ENJOY!

It turned out that the Thestrals were taking them all to Diagon Alley, from which Katniss thought to be another arena. But to Harry, this might just be another place to start his Horcrux search. And this time, he was going to do it with Hermione. Like the Ministry of Magic, Diagon Alley was swept with witches and wizards who were apparently unaware of their arrival. Surely it was an odd sight, for most of them, to be seeing four teenagers flying in the air towards them as the Thestrals were invisible to some eyes.

Finally, they landed in front of the Gringotts bank. The first thing that Harry checked was any passing tribute. No doubt that they could be there. So he ushered the other three to a shaded area abandoned by most of the witches and wizards.

"I have just thought of something," Katniss spoke before he could.

"All right. Spill it, then," he told her.

"This is a good place for us to find food,"

"But we don't have any money," Hermione pointed out. The three others blinked. And she said, "All right, it's still risky. Some other tributes might've already reached there. They're luring us all there to fight. And ..."

She looked anxiously around at Harry, who knew she was going to mention about their particular task at Horcrux hunting, only to have thought better of it.

"And what?" Said Katniss.

"Something has to be done ... in order for us to change arenas ..." she finished. "Isn't that right, Harry?"

"But wouldn't that waste our chance of getting food here, say, you have it done?" Peeta spoke.

"We split up," Katniss said at that instant, apparently unaware of what they all meant at saying that something had to be done. "I'll go look for food while the three of you-"

"'Three'? You're not going alone, are you?" Peeta shot.

"Yes, I am,"

"I'll go with you," he said in a rather demanding voice. "And don't say it's risky."

"I wasn't about to," Katniss said defensively. "Fine, Peeta and I will look for food - but where do we meet?"

"Yeah, I can't see how a mockingjay will get here," Peeta agreed.

"Flourish and Blotts?" Hermione suggested. "No, I think we should just go down Knockturn Alley."

"Where?" Katniss asked.

"Do my eyes deceive me," Harry spoke, squinting, "or is that the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?"

They all turned to look at where he was looking. "Oh my ..." Hermione muttered.

It was true, Harry almost forgot about Fred and George's joke shop. And so did, apparently, Hermione. This came to no surprise that they both looked as though they hadn't went inside the shope. Harry felt as though anything was possible to be in there. Is it possible for a tribute to talk to somebody who is not? What would meeting the Weasley twins turn out to be? He was half excited at this thought. At the same time, he remembered that nearly everyone was ignoring the tributes. But he didn't think it was entirely correct. The man at the Ministry of Magic chanced a look at him. Besides, Fred and George would be in a huge worry right now about their little sister, Ginny. And Harry didn't think the shope would be open.

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