Chapter 23: Riddle's Visit

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The whole school was really daunted for a month at the thought that the darkest wizard of all time, who was none other than Lord Voldemort, was going to Hogwarts, like a visit, which was kind of odd. Different opinions were discussed among the students and teachers - even the ghosts and the ancient witches and wizards in the frames. And they were mostly about Harry. Of course, it was highly logical, given Harry's past. But Hermione thought that it was just part of the schedule, denying the fact that Voldemort was going to visit only to kill Harry. But Harry was on her side at this. He and Hermione had in mind that Voldemort was merely checking on how well the whole process had been, especially to the fact that the Games had almost begun. It was already mid-February.

"It looks like you're saying You-Know-Who is arranging a homecoming," said Ron after Hermione voiced her thought one Sunday morning. "Yeah, that's right. Put up banners saying 'WELCOME BACK' and singing trolls at the entrance, shall we?"

"Ron, he's coming tomorrow, for Merlin's sake!" Hermione countered.

"At least we have a week off," Harry pointed out flatly.

For a while they didn't say anything. The three of them were walking at the grounds outside castle. They had just returned from visiting Hagrid at noon when they saw that most students were wandering outside the castle, despite the dull weather. So Harry suggested that they hang around for a while. Apparently, the students outside the castle were merely trying to clear their heads for tomorrow, where they will be seeing Voldemort. It wasn't exactly a thrilling idea. But some of the Death Eaters thought it was. On the other hand, Peeves the poltergeist made it look like Dumbledore had come back alive to save the day; he didn't even care that Voldemort was arriving tomorrow. He had been following students and singing random songs that included their names on why they were looking somewhat ill. "Why so sad, plump little Brad? Let me pull those loosening socks, or mind if I give you a wedge?"

Luckily, Harry had a normal look on his face. Of course, multiple experience with Voldemort wasn't going to change anything. Whether or not he was going to kill Harry tomorrow, his death was still very imminent.

At some point near the lake, they saw a pair of students sitting together, throwing chunks of bread into the water. Every now and then, a tentacle will rise onto the surface and pull the bread down. "Peeta, this would look normal if there are ducks there," said the girl with her dark hair pulled down into a long braid next to him.

"Come on, it's not against the rules, is it?" Said Peeta, chucking a big, final piece of bread into the water, making a rather loud splash. "Besides, I've seen the others do it. Looks pretty fun to me. And what would you do if there really are ducks, Katniss? Part-time hunting, perhaps?"

"Shut up, Peeta,"

Peeta turned around and paused at the sight of the Golden Trio behind them. "Hello!"

"Hi," said Harry, watching Peeta's rather bright mood as though he was the only human who could smile.

Katniss turned and saw them as well. She waved.

"Why the happy-go-lucky boyfriend?" Asked Ron. "Did he swallow a cauldron of Peace Draught or something?"

"We're just clearing our heads and he passed over the limit," said Katniss, jerking her head towards Peeta.

"No, I didn't," said Peeta, his bright mood flickering slightly. "I just said Voldemort's arrival for tomorrow won't affect anything - especially not us tributes. Not even you, Harry. There's nothing we can do. He may be persuading us all to join him, but he could've done that ages ago. Besides, we have the Games to continue next year. See? He and Snow are already making us their little action figures, like being a pawn."

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