Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey peeps, I'm back, and  writing this two weeks before it's supposed to be published. 

Do I really have that much time on my hands? Hmmm... Yes. Yes I do. :))

I didn't forget the dates, don't worry. This is updated a week early 'cause I was threatened by a certain few people... (Ahem, I'll tag them in the comments)

Warning: This MAY  be all I'm updating in a long time, my mid-term exams are coming up... pathetic *sigh*  (please don't kill me)

I'm not revising now ('cause I keep procrastinating), but I will  regret and start my usual two-weeks-before panic stream again soon...

For more details, read the ending A/N of the chapter in my oneshot book titled 'Sick (Sophie)'. But if you're reading this before 23 April, let me tell you, that oneshot isn't updated yet. :))

That's why if you're a future reader, it's a good idea to swap back and forth between TSIY and LYF: SKO to read... If you're a current reader and you're doing just that, then great job! Keep it up!!!


That was to catch the attention of anyone who doesn't. :))

Final note (sorry for the long A/N): If the name of a person is at the top of a time skip, then it's their thought in third person. But if I state clearly that it's someone's POV, then it's first person.

On to the story. :)) 


Jolie's POV

The minute Sophie had told me that Brant was the one who had saved her, I shattered. 

When I was betrayed by him, I nearly fell into depression. I'd loved Brant with all my heart and turns out it was all a lie?! 

I spent weeks crying and never went for a mission that was not passive again. I didn't want to fight against him. But fighting with him was a whole lot worse. 

Now, here I was, in my room and preparing for a mission to meet him. After two years.

I ran a hand down my face, surprised when I realised it was wet with tears. 

Whatever happened tonight, I was determined to not let my feelings get the better of me. 

I would remain neutral and view things from a perfectly professional manner. Just as I'd been trained to. And hopefully not die in the process. Yes, that's what I'd do.

As a knock came at my door, I dried my tears. 

There was a package sitting on the floor outside my room. A note lay on it in Agent Forkle's cursive handwriting. 

Mission issue materials. You can decide to use them, or to not go for the mission.

I frowned. That wasn't the typical instructional note that came with issue packages.

I slowly opened the package to reveal a dress. I let out a string of very violent curses that my parents definitely wouldn't approve of. 

The dress was silk, in a lilac sheen. It had long sleeves that ended at my elbows and its hem went down to my ankles. It was layered at the bottom. Kinda looks like waves of paint. It was elegant. But... 

The thing was, after hanging around Sophie too much, I hated wearing dresses for missions. I bit back a smile, imagining her having the same reaction to her own mission issues.

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