Chapter 18

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A/N: Get ready for horrible fighting scenes, 'cause these are REALLY hard to write... Yeesh

Also, no new name poll entries, so the stats will be below.

And that will be the last of the stats, because the name poll is officially closed, guys!! I'm not accepting any more entries, nor am I counting any more votes.

Thank y'all so much for your support and help through the entire polling process, and the results will be stated at my epilogue. :))



Red stained Sophie's vision.

Her head spun, no doubt either from the blood loss or the concussion.

During one of the fights against a Neverseen member, she'd loss her footing, careening directly onto the floor.

That mistake nearly cost her her life, but she was lucky that she'd scooted out of the way before the Neverseen could land a blow that would have surely severed her head.

She stood up, retrieving her sword from the body of a fallen enemy.

She pressed the side of her head to the wall, grimacing in pain.

But it wasn't time to stop.

The Neverseen had run out of spies an hour ago, leaving them and the Black Swan perfectly, evenly matched.

Both sides had lost as many people.

It pained her to look too long at the bodies.

Occasionally, she would spot the familiar face of an understudy of hers, or just a fellow spy.

She wished she had gotten to know them better.

But now wasn't the time to grieve.

She sensed her before she struck.

The Neverseen member, blatantly female from the way she breathed, had a dagger thrown, aimed for Sophie's heart.

A well directed dagger of her own sent the girl's flying way out of possible reach.

Sophie hooked a finger.

From one trained spy to another, the gesture meant life or death.

She could have sensed the girl's sneer as the girl launched herself towards her.

Nice fighting spirit.

It was too bad Sophie needed to kill her.



Tam's ankle hurt.

It was either twisted, sprained, or broken.

Hopefully the first option.

He couldn't fight while handicapped.

Right then, he dodged a blow to the head.

It was getting too old.

The aims to the eyes, head, heart and throat.

He rolled to a corner, his ankle barking in pain.

He wanted to tell his stupid ankle to shut up.

The Neverseen member-

Actually, Neverseen members (since when was there two of them?), stormed closer.

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