6. || seperated shoulder

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The memories from the other night flood my mind, sometimes it takes me by surprise

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The memories from the other night flood my mind, sometimes it takes me by surprise. I hear the werewolf roaring in my ear which causes me to jump out of my skin even though in the real world it was just someone knocking over a bin.

I can still hear Scott screaming in my ears, I can still feel my throat burning from the long time I was screaming.

The fear of running through the woods late at night, getting lost in the dark after he's attacked and bitten by what appears to be a giant wolf but turned out to be a werewolf.

"Tina, T. It's alright baby, just calm down" Jackson says pulling me tighter into him, and I slowly managed to calm myself down with the help of Jackson.

"I'm sorry, Jax" I say wiping the stray tears I hadn't even realised had fallen.

"T, what's going on with you. You're not acting like yourself" Jackson asks sounding dejected, as he wipes the last year from my face, but it doesn't help as much as I want it to because all that my head is doing is replaying the different memories in my head.

Like when Scott and I told stiles what happened as we walked into school.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

Scott's words ring in my ears, why couldn't it off just been simple why did everything have to get more difficult.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles questions sceptically.

"I don't know, well I do sorta but I-I just" I say trying to stammer a response as we continue to sit on the bench at the front of the school. Jackson still has 15 minutes until practice starts and he wants to get some sort of response from his girlfriend.

"How about starting from the beginning" Jackson suggest not knowing whether his girlfriend will comply he knows that when something goes wrong or Martina gets upset, she just shuts it down not wanting to bother anyone, but what she doesn't understand is that people want to be bothered.

They want to know what's going on and even as much as he would hate to admit it but that's one thing Scott and him agree on, as well as Stiles heck even Lydia and most likely Allison will when she becomes a part of the group properly.

My mind drifts again to us all being sat in English class when the vice-principal comes in to introduce the newest student, a beautiful young woman with pale white skin and long, curly dark brown hair.

The girl whose conversation I heard from an impossible distance, a girl whose family shot my brother with an arrow and would've most likely done a lot worse if they caught him, but this girl doesn't seem murderous at all.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent" Vice Principal introduced.

"Jax, I don't know how to explain it. If you'd understand" I mumble hiding my face from the very nosey students, I'd rather have smudged makeup then a bunch of rumours going around.

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