7. || my house, my rules

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It's been a long night that's for sure. I don't even know what time we got in from the hospital and I'm sure I should be sound asleep, yet I can't. Jackson has been passed out since he flopped onto the bed, but I've been laying here waiting for sleep to overcome me.

I end up giving up and deciding to pay Scott a visit. I walk into his bedroom flopping on the bed beside him ignoring his questioning glance, confused as I was angry with him earlier but sometimes you just need the comfort of your twin.

Scott for once decides not to question it and instead enjoy the moment, as we lay there basking in the silence yet comfort of each other's presence. After a little while mom knocks on his door quickly coming in without waiting for an answer.

She's in her nurse's scrubs, she barges in, and her frown soon turns to a smile when she sees the unusual sight of her twins being nice to each other, no arguing just enjoying each other's company and it's at no one else's expense!

"What happened? Wait don't tell me it will ruin the moment" Mom says taking a couple more photos but both of us are too tired to complain.

"Anyway—late shift again for me. But I am taking Saturday off to see your first game!" Mom says whilst Scott who is clearly still unhappy about the fact that he can't play, especially since he can't really tell anyone why that is looks at me grumpily.

"Oh, you don't need to do that mom" I say not sure what else there is to say.

"No, mom, you can't—" Scott opts on arguing in a grumpy voice.

"He's right you can't" I say causing mom to scoff at the fact that we think that we can tell her what to do.

"Oh, no, I can and will" Mom says walking towards us causing Scott to dramatically drop his head back onto my lap with a slight bounce.

"Mom, come on you know that we can't really do this" I say causing mom to look at me then Scott slightly torn.

"No, you come on, one shift isn't gonna break us..."mom say before thinking about it for a moment which causes her to frown at the thought of the hours she'll be missing out on at work, and she looks away from both of us.

"It isn't?" I question and I know it's harsh by playing on this card, but it may be the only way to keep her safe.

"...not completely..." mom says causing me to sigh and flop my head back onto the bed.

"Whatever you say mom" I sigh hoping she'd succumb and not go to the game, but that factor is incredibly unlikely, mom looks back at us frowning in concern.

"Hey, what's with your eyes?" mom questions alarmed Scott and I raise up onto our elbows afraid that our irises may be glowing gold we look at each other.

"¿Qué?" I say alarmed but when I notice that nothing out of the ordinary is happening, I look at mom confused.

"You look like you haven't slept in days but with both your reactions I'm guessing it was something different" mom says as we try are best to hide our relied that she is still in the dark about the transformation into a werewolf.

FORGE OF THE HEART •jackson whittemoreWhere stories live. Discover now