12. || a bowling date?

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We're walking through the hallway pushing through the sea of people, my palms are sweating, and I know people are turning and staring but I ignore them as I storm through the halls my heels clacking on the ground as I do so.

Scott and Stiles are walking through the halls yet again by my side but even they're struggling to keep up.

"There both probably fine—" Stiles tries to reassure the panicked twins, one staring at his phone, whilst the other looks ready to pounce on whoever gets to close, Stiles knows that we need information and fast before the two werewolves lose control.

"She's not answering my texts, Stiles. T have you had any luck?" Scott asks as he starts to frantically look around at all the students in the hallway just like his sister is, he tries to see if Allison or Jackson are among the crowds milling the halls, but he can't see either of them.

"No, she's not and neither's Jackson. But I do know this if we don't find them within the next 5 minutes someone is going to get hurt because there is no way I can hold of my wolf any longer than that" I state causing Stiles' eyes to widen as he tries to reassure us yet again, not wanting to see any fangs or claws.

"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" Stiles says causing me to frown, and I know that Stiles has realised that the evidence make this somewhat unlikely.

"A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent casual connection or the fact of corresponding in nature or in time of occurrence. This is neither of those things" I say as I try to sound calm even though I'm freaking out.

"A seriously amazing coincidence" Stiles adds to his previous statement in a somewhat defeated voice.

"The statistics aren't adding up Miecyzslaw" I say stressing out whilst Scott turns to look at us with a panicked look on his face.

"Just help me find her, okay? And-and Jackson, sorry I'm just..." Scott says as he basically turns in circles as he walks, I know he's stressed and is trying to spot Allison in the crowd, and Stiles, calmer that us turns his head back and forth to visually scan through the students as well.

"I get it, I want to find them both but if I focus more on Jackson and you on Allison, we'll find them quicker" I say whilst Scott nods rapidly glad that I get what he means.

"Do you see them?" Scott asks again not being able to stop himself, but I get it my mind and wolf is buzzing.

"No..." Stiles says with a sigh whilst I continue to look as I anxiously run my hand through my hair as I does so, until I finally speed up turning around the corner losing more control. Scott is right next to me but Stiles who I can smell the panic wafting off him is scrambling to follow us but get lost in the crowd.

"Fucking hell Jackson where are you?" I whisper to myself, as we get around the corner, I'm struggling to control my breathing, I can hear my heartbeat thumping loudly in my ears as I brace myself against the corner of the lockers slowly falling down in the corner between the lockers and the wall.

FORGE OF THE HEART •jackson whittemoreWhere stories live. Discover now