11. || nightmares are real

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Today, I feel extremely rough, and I can't get the dream from last night out of my head, so I do what I always do when I feel like shit

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Today, I feel extremely rough, and I can't get the dream from last night out of my head, so I do what I always do when I feel like shit... I pretend that nothing is wrong and go out of my way to make myself look amazing, so no questions are asked instead everyone's focusing on my outfit and the way I look.

I'm wearing a black bodycon dress, it's short tight and strapless it makes my curves look amazing, I matched it with my black jacket and black knee length boots. My makeup is bold red lips and big black eyeliner, my hair is down and the curls which I get from my mother the same that I usually straighten are free and cascading down my back.

I know that Lydia will be happy with my outfit, in fact I know that she'll go crazy over the fact that I've dressed up more than usual, but I don't care about her opinion right now my mind is completely set on my horrific dream last night.

The day only gets weirder when we arrive at school, we meet Stiles by the entrance and he's completely shocked to see that I'm with them again he was so sure that I'd leave to go back to the popular group now that the problem is over, he tries his best to play it cool, but it doesn't work.

"Hey... T, you look amazing " Stiles says then cursing himself for being so awkward but when he looks at our mood, he realises that something is wrong and trust me when Scott and I explain are dreams that are exactly the same except the cross over, so in Scott's dream he was in my position and Allison was in Jackson's.

We explain everything to Stiles both of our strange dreams and well he deals with it in exactly the way I expected him too but at the moment he is the only other person I trust with this, well until I explain everything to Jackson, but he won't replace Stiles, Stiles is just... well Stiles no one can replace him!

"So, you killed them?" Stiles questions sounding extremely calm especially after everything we just told him, we walk through the entrance of the school, Scott and Stiles open the doors for me causing me to smile slightly.

"I mean, I think that I killed him but he got up and talked to me afterwards it's just-just confusing" I say with a sigh frustrated that I have no idea what was going on but I'm not naive enough to think that Scott and I having the same horrific dream was a coincidence even though there were difference's to it, like Scott couldn't move at all but I still managed to.

"I don't know. In mine I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before" Scott says shrugging exasperatedly.

"God, there is no way this can be a coincidence especially as when I woke up this morning my eyes were pink, and they stayed that way all morning. I had to run with sunglasses on... sunglasses! It was criminal" I say causing Stiles to raise an eyebrow at mine and Scott's remark.

"Really, Scott? You've never had a dream like that because I have" Stiles says shrugging and gesturing with his hand to emphasise his words.

"Please don't tell me this conversation is going the way I think it is" I say with a sigh but knowing Stiles there is no stopping him.

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