16. || suspicion

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The next morning, I wake up grumpy and even that is an understatement

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The next morning, I wake up grumpy and even that is an understatement. Jackson rolls over snuffling into my neck clearly tired himself, but his exhaustion is nothing compared to his girlfriends.

The morning goes by fairly quickly, Jackson brings Tina a coffee in bed immediately picking up on her foul mood and wanting to cure it with her two favourite things caffeine and cuddles, or more so cuddles with Jackson.

After their coffee Jackson suggests a run, Martina knows the boy is pushing himself again but feeling unable to say no to him she goes along with him. They run for about half an hour before they call it quits and head back.

They shower together, and overall get ready with ease, moving around each other with their normal sort of domestication even if I'm a big moodier this morning it doesn't mean I don't still love how we work. My outfit is darker than normal as I want to conceal my tiredness and try to cast aside their eyes from my drowsy face.

I wear my black baggy cargo type jeans, the stitching is white and adds to the whole look, I wear a simple black belt, and black stiletto heels, for a top I go for my cropped long sleeve tight black top, I match this whole look with a black mini bag and some black sunglasses.

I keep my makeup neutral not wanting to ruin the look with too much makeup, I think subtly will win this one, and I leave my hair to roam freely once it's dry. For accessories I've only got on the necklace that Jackson gave me and four of my many chunky rings.

When we go down to breakfast is when everything changes.

"So, where'd you go last night?" Jackson asks as I go to drink the last bit of my coffee, the tugging in my chest has been bad all morning and it's put me off my food and I know Jackson has noticed that.

"When?" I reply trying to go with casual, but I know I sound far from it, I chug back the rest of my coffee deciding I'm feeling too sick to eat I start to pick at my food.

"What do you mean when? I mean the only time I felt you get up, heard Scott's voice and the two of you left out through the window, which by the way is incredibly dangerous" Jackson says looking at me incredulously.

"Remember that secret that I haven't told you, that I said I would soon" I say looking at Jackson hopefully.

"Yes" Jackson says with a resigned sigh, knowing that it would come down to this.

"Well, it's all a little complicated. It's a long story and a lot of it doesn't make sense to me right now" I say with a sigh of my own, I need to tell Jackson soon but before school when I'm on edge already is not the best time to do it especially if he reacts badly, I don't think my wolf would let him leave right now.

"T, I get it I do. We all have our secrets, but us two, we always share them. I don't get why this secret is so different" Jackson says reaching over the side to grab my hands.

"And when I tell you, you will understand how insane, and stupid I am along with the secret. It's a lot to take in Jax and even I haven't fully taken it in" I say looking at him wide eyed and vulnerable, whatever happens there is no way I'm telling him right now, it's not the right time.

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