Part 12

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Part 12

Marinette's POV

I hadn't realized how close I was to him. Or how close I let him get to me that is. My head was in his lap and his fingers were running through my hair as the moonlight shun from above and the city street lights emitted from below.

Endorphins ran through my veins every time he played with my hair. I looked up and saw his face turned upwards to the sky staring at the stars. His under side of his jaw was muscular and very defined. Sometimes I forget that he is one of the most famous models.

He suddenly looked down at me and I moved my head so I wasn't still staring at him.

"Hey," I started "Let's make it more relaxing for you."

I sat up and made him lay down and I layed down to his right. We both were face up side to side.

"Now you don't have to break your neck looking up haha," I said.

There was a long period of silence. It wasn't awkward at all, because I liked being in his presence. He made me feel safe.

"It is quite chilly out. The crisp breeze doesn't really help much either," Chat Noir said.

I wrapped myself around his side and felt him tense up before relaxing and opening up to me. My head was on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat getting faster but then it slowed down too. I would be lying if I said my heart hadn't done the same.

"I hope that warms you up," I said.

"It really did," He replied and hugged a bit tighter. "But what happens now?"

"I really don't know..."

"I don't want to keep fighting you but I have so many reasons to keep fighting you," Chat started.

"Same here," I started. "This is terrible."

Adrien looked at his wrist and sighed as he layed back down and put his arm over his face. Something was wrong.

"Are you good?" I asked.

"Nope. Not really?" He replied with his face still covered.

"You don't have to tell me, it's okay," I said.

"Oh no, I'll tell you about this one," He started. "You know Lila Rossi?"

"Oh yeah, she's that really pretty model you dated. So..."

"Well, she told my father I broke up with her and now he's mad at me because we had a business deal or partnership with the Rossi family and now I ruined that too. I am such a disappointment, but I wasn't going to keep faking my love for Lila anymore."

I was silent for a bit and I reached down to my left side and wrapped my fingers between his. I held tightly.

"You're dad does seem to have a lot of control over your life doesn't he?"

"Yeah... I would give so much just to make him proud of me.

His father has to be the reason behind all of this. It seems to me that his father is one of the only people he cares about pleasing. There still hasto be something else that is keeping him with him. Something even more important than his father's opinions of him.

"Once I stop dating one girl he just moves on to the next so he can get a partnership with their family. He's done it plenty of times with the Bourgeois but I told him he can't make me date a childhood friend. Now he wants me to get affiliated with this girl named Kagami... and to make matters worse I think I took fencing lessons with her in high school," Chat ranted.

"It's moments like these where I am glad I am not famous, haha," I said. "I used to design clothes when I was younger all the time. It was my dream to become a famous fashion designer."

"Why did you stop?" He asked.

"I realized I wouldn't make it big anyways so I gave up. I still take some designing classes in college though. Just not seriously." I even made my dress for the gala.

"Hey," Chat started and he turned on his side and turned me onto my side so we were facing each other. My Hearts started to race. "Don't you ever give up on your dreams. Please. Who knows, maybe there's still a chance I will wear your designs up there on the runway one day?"

I paused. And smiled to myself.

"I like this Adrien. I really do. It's like I'm seeing another you."

To be continued...

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