Part 13

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Part 13

Adrien's POV

I blushed when she said that to me. I honestly like the side of her, it was much better than her tackling me every other day.

"I like this side of you too bugaboo," I said as I put a piece of her hair behind her ear. I saw a blush forming on her face.

Suddenly I looked down at my wrist and I got an alert on my miraculous. It was from my father telling me that I had to get home as soon as possible.

" I'm so sorry Marinette I have to go right now," I started as I started to get up.

" all right. I hope you'll be okay, if your father is involved you can contact me," she said in a reassuring voice that calmed me.

I just wanted to be with her. It's all I wanted. Before I left, I helped her up and took her shoulders.

"Thank you," I said before leaning in for a kiss. It was gentle and soft and I wanted it to last forever. I put my hands in her hair and started to back away.

"Until next time, M'Lady," I said before jumping away. It Felt nice to feel like a prince every now and then. But I dreaded what awaited me when I would arrive home.

As I stepped into his office, I felt the pressure in the air. It was darka ndI felt a light motion on my shoulder. It was just one of his butterflies.

" Adrien where have you been?" My father asked me in a stern tone.

" I've been patrolling looking for ladybug you know the usual," I responded scratching the back of my neck.

" oh Adrien," my father started after a pause. " don't you think you can fool me that easily."

" what do you mean? I'm not trying to fool you."

I could feel the coldness in the air. My heart started racing. What did he know? He started to laugh.

"I neglected to tell you that I had Natalie follow your every move for the past couple of hours," he paused. "We saw your whole affair with that little bug. I personally think it's time to squash that situation."

My heart stopped, but it was racing at the same time.

" At a loss for words? Is this what you really want? Do you want your mother's corpse in our basement for the rest of time? Was all this work for nothing? Did I do all of this just to be betrayed by my own son? Do you even want your mother back? Or are you just being selfish and trying to keep a girl all for yourself just cause you think you found a pitiful excuse for love?"

"You sound like the selfish one here," I stated.

"Hah," my father laughed.

"No father I-"

Gabriel suddenly got up from his chair. He walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. I was 19 now so he wasn't looking down on me like he used to. This was a man-to-man stare now.

"You disgust me," he said as he slapped my face. " all this damn time and you couldn't get one measly task done."

I really am a disappointment.

"Father I think it's time for you to realize the past is in the past. I can't keep trying to make up for the mistake that you made," I pleaded.

"I don't see what you can't just take it from the girl, she trusts you enough that's for sure."

"I can't do that to her. I will not betray her." I said sternly.

"I guess I will take matters into my own hands, and I will get my way by any means necessary... even by force."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her or else I will... I will..."

"You'll what?" He asked with a smirk. "Think you can be some prince charming or something?"

Suddenly my arms were withheld behind me. I was pinned face front to the ground. There was no gettingout of this. I felt my ring being removed from my finger.

"I'll be needing this back. You merely work for Agreste modeling agency now. Your freedom is over."

To be continued...

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