Part 6

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Marinette's POV

I kept walking even though there was a small blush on my face. I couldn't deny the fact that that was the most charming gesture any man has ever done to me.

I continued my way down the carpet as a butler held the doors open for me. The kind sir pulled me aside to take the little shaw that I wore over my dress and he then led me to the gala room. The moment I stepped in I could feel how grand this place was. The tables all had cloths of the finest white materials. Chandeliers with thousands of jewels hung from the ceiling amongst the golden decor. It was simply beautiful.

I made my way to my assigned table. I couldn't tell who I was with but I sure was intimidated. A quartet played a beautiful melody as the other guests walked in. I think the song goes by In The Rain.

I left my table to find the restrooms because I didn't want to sit alone. I saw the sign at the end of a fancy slender hallway. The bathrooms must be over there.

As I turned the corner a man's shoulders bumped me so hard that I bumped into the wall.

"Ow," I said verbally to him because he started to storm away.

The tall grey-haired man turned around to face me. He wore a white suit with a red and white striped tie.

"Oh, pardon me, ma'am," He said with a quick bow as he speed-walked away.

"Thanks!" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. I went to go around the corner, but I heard yelling.

"Please, you can't just leave me now... I'll look like a fool in front of" a girl's voice pleaded.

"Lila please stop. I have felt this way for a long time. All you care about is your image so just stop pretending-" a male voice said... it sounded familiar.

"Image is all that matters in the world we live in," she replied.

"Well, not for me. I won't be with someone who is so consumed with herself," he said.

"No, I will never let you-"

That was all I heard until yet another imbecile ran into my precious left shoulder.

"Oh sorry I was just making my way to the-" I said but I looked up and it was the same blond guy from before. He seemed upset.

"I am so sorry," He said before gently patting my left shoulder. He then ran off down the hall.

He had the same green eyes and blond hair as Chat... if it really was him... how exactly would I get his attention? I need to distract him somehow... and check his hand.

Adrien's POV

As much as I couldn't focus on Lila right now I still felt bad about letting her go right now. But she brought t upon herself. Besides, I was on a mission right now that I had to give all my attention to.

It's got to be her. That girl that tripped on the way in. There is no denying it. When I heard her voice it sounded all too familiar but much softer. Her blue eyes through that mask were the exact same ones I looked into when Ladybug pinned me down the other day. How would I get to talk to her though?

"Nathalie," I started. "May I borrow a piece of paper and a pen?"

"Yes," she said as she handed it to me.

"Thank you."

I quickly wrote out a small note and folded it up into a tiny square. I looked around and found her sitting down at a round table near the quartet. Swiftly walking by, I crumpled the piece of paper and placed it on the table right in front of her.

I hope she meets me there tonight. She has to or else I won't be able to get her alone.

To be continued...

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