Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"So how is he?"Alex asks as we enter the cafeteria,"Who?"She looks at me with a duh expression on her face,"Your new housemate!"

"Oh him."

"Yes him."I heave a heavy sigh,"He is  annoying."

"What do you mean he's annoying?What did he do?"I roll my eyes while throwing myself on the  chair,"Everything."

"Winter!"She groans.I give her an annoyed looked before saying,"Alex I really do not want to talk about Bradley.I am extremely tired and irritated."

"What got your panties in a twist today?"

"Well for starters my contact fell down the sink so Jake saw me in there stupid glasses and I got my math results back and I got 88%."I say before shoving food in my mouth,"Dude you still like Jake?"

"Yes,he is the hottest man alive."I say and a  small smile appears on my face at the thought of Jake Hamilton,"I can't with you."Alex rolls her eyes before continuing,"And I honestly really don't get why you are upset about getting 88% I got 40% and I'm extremely happy about it."

"Alex you almost failed?You got 40% on the dot,one percent less  then you would have failed math!"I exclaim,"Yes  but I didn't fail,I passed so I'm extremely happy with my 40%."Alex is one of  those people who are happy getting 40%,if the percent you need to pass is 40 and she gets 41 she would be satisfied with it but me on the other hand if I get anything less than 90 then my father gets extremely angry and disappointed with me so much so that he does not talk to me for about a week or so.

"Anyway enough about math,Where is Bradley I haven't seen him around and you said that he came to school today."

"I don't know where he is,but maybe you will see him in the next period he takes-oh never mind there is."I say and Alex starts frantically looking around,"Where?Where?Where!?"

"Calm down,he is the one with the brown binne by the door."I say while pointing towards the entrce,"Damn he hot!"


"What he really is,I mean look at him."I take a bite into my apple,"I see him and I do not think that he is hot."

"Yeah because your type is the boring blue eyes,tall and blond."She says while rolling her eyes,"Hey everyone's taste in men is diffrent."

"Yes and my taste is that fine pice of meat walking into this cafeteria."She says while smiling,"Hold up who's that bitch he's  walking with?"She says while squinting her eyes to see properly,"Is that Samantha?"She asks and I take a closer look then I take a sip of my water before answering,"Skimpy dress and ugly blazer?Yup that is her."

"No,why is she with him?Someone should tell him that she is a skank ass hoe."Alex says and I choke on my water,Alex likes cursing when she is angry or annoyed,you would think I would be used to it by now since we have been friends for the past 14 years,"What she is a bitch that throws  herself at every boy she sees."What Alex is saying is true,Samantha is only headgirl because her father paid to make it happen.

"Let us go to class the first bell has already rang."I say while standing up not wanting to hear anymore swear-words,"I'm glad his in my next class I'll make sure that I expose that sk-I mean that girl to him."She corrects herself after seeing the warning look I gave her.

I sigh before saying,"Okay Lex you do you,I will see you later I have to go to my next class now."

"Bye Wint."

Hi loves,so I'm not going to be updating the story for the next 2 weeks because I'm starting with my exams next week and I have to study and that's why I made a double update today.I hope you guys enjoyed the chapters do tell me what you think of them and please don't forget to tap the star at the bottom of the screen.♡

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