❝ CHAPTER 25 ❞

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▌Chapter 25 ─ The Shadow Side ▌

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Chapter 25 ─ The Shadow Side

      ━━━━━ STEPHANIE LISTENED TO Simmons talk on the phone, Hero and Caspian were in the car with her as well.

"My Dutchman, former NSA cybersleuth extraordinaire, tacked them down here. So, these cosmonauts went into hiding. Why?"

"Bingo. I got a match."

"You're a German Shepherd, Dutch." Stephanie rolled her eyes at the man. "The thing about Russian's is, they never like to talk. It's gonna take a little of the 'international language.'"

Stephanie climbed out with the others, her suit was on underneath her normal clothes. The three walked behind Sam, Simmons, and Dutch. Stephanie looked behind them while Simmons tried to get them in.

"до свидания." Simmons spoke.

"That means 'good-bye.'" The guard replied. He closed the eye piece, Simmons looked back at the others. He knocked on the door again, this time he held money up to the guard who reached out to grab it. He opened the door and they proceeded into the room.

"Dutch, give me something tough." Simmons said. Dutch pulled a book out and looked for something to give to Simmons.

"Baryshnikov." Dutch replied.

"We do speak English." Dimitri said.

"Dutch, you suck." Simmons said, turning to look at Dutch.

"It's a Cyrillic alphabet. It's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator! I don't suck."

Stephanie watched Simmons sit down with the men. "Agent Seymour Simmons, Sector Eight, formerly Seven. We know who you are, cosmonautchiks." Simmons said.

"So what?" Yuri questioned.

"You were supposed to travel to the dark side of the moon, then it all got shut down. The question is, why?" Simmons proceeded to grab a shot glass, and pour alcohol into it. Dutch was talking to the bartender trying to get a better sense of how to speak in Russian.

Suddenly guns were pulled on all of them, Stephanie held her hands up not going for any of her weapons unless she really needed to. Simmons stood up, a gun was pointed at his nose.

"Go ahead, shoot me." The women spoke to him. "I'm willing to die for my country. Are you?" He asked in return. "Really. You are beautiful. Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful? She's a beautiful woman.

Dutch threw his hand onto the gun that was held by the woman at the bar. A shell came out of the gun and broke the lamp, Dutch then hit the woman. He grabbed a hold of her arm and proceeded to flip her on the bar.

"Whoa! Hey!"

"What the hell?" Stephanie said, looking at Dutch. He then aimed the shotgun at one of the men who held his hands up in the air. Slowly he moved to the ground, the man moving down as well.

"Dutch! Back in the cage." Simmons said. Dutch proceeded to pull out another gun, aiming that one at the guy and aiming the shotgun at others. "Dutch! Hold, Dutch, hold!"

"Control your boy, please. Control your boy." Sam said.

"Dutch, stop!" Simmons continued to speak to him, eventually he dropped the guns.

"I'm so sorry. That is the old me." Dutch said.

"Okay, let's everybody just calm down! Let's lower the heat, lower the guns. Let's relax. World War II is over."

In the aftermath of what had happened Dimitri and Yuri walked them into another room. "You are about to see one of the biggest Soviet secrets. America first send man to the moon. But USSR first to send camera. In 1959, our Luna 3 take picture of the dark, the shadow side. Sees nothing. But in 1963, Luna 4 sees..."

Yuri leaned forward on the table. "Strange rocks." He said, while Dimitri looked at him.


"Around the ship. Hundreds of them."

"Yeah, show picture." They handed the picture over to Sam, Stephanie proceeded to look at it.

"With some drag marks."

"I've seen these. These aren't rocks, these are pillars. Alien pillars for a space bridge." Sam said.

"We know about them because the Autobots have five of these." Stephanie added.

"The Decepticons must have raided the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there, took the pillars, and hid them." Simmons said.

"It doesn't make sense. The Decepticons have the ship. They have all the pillars. Why would they leave Sentinel when he's the only one who can use them?"


"He's the one thing they still need." After getting the information they needed they proceeded to walk out of the building. "We've got to meet up with Sentinel, rendezvous with him and keep him safe."

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Daisy drove near Bee while Stephanie sat in her suit along with Hero and Caspian. They were with Sentinel Prime getting him back to NEST. Stephanie looked in the mirror to see three police cars.

"Daisy, please tell me they're Autobots." Stephanie said as one of them moved closer to Simmons.

"I don't think so." Daisy replied, as one of them shifted into a Decepticon. Stephanie watched as it grabbed a hold of Simmons and pulled him out of the car, throwing him elsewhere. The Decepticon proceeded to roll over the car, Dutch pressed on the brakes as the Decepticon pulled the signs down.

The two drove over the signs and transformed. The three then proceeded to chase after the others.

"Daisy, go, go, go!" Hero shouted as the Decepticons got closer to them. The four Autobots kept up with Sentinel Prime.

Bee came to a slow stop allowing the Decepticons to roll over the four of them. Bee then transformed himself, pulling out his guns and starting to shoot at them. Mirage transformed and threw chains towards one of the Decepticons. Daisy soon did the same thing pulling her guns out and shooting at the Decepticon that Mirage had been holding onto.

The Decepticon was flipped over to the other said and landed on a car soon dying in the process. The other two Decepticons proceeded to flip cars towards them. Sideswipe, Bee, and Daisy proceeded to jump off the ground, flipping themselves. The three humans that were in Daisy screamed as they held on for dear life.

Eventually they made it over the cars and continued driving. The Decepticon hit a car causing it to break apart and move towards the Autobots. Daisy was able to avoid the interaction however Stephanie looked back to see her brother flying through the air when Bee had shifted. Bee caught Sam and shifted back into his car from coming to a stop.

"We need to get to NEST now!" Hero exclaimed.

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